I should really blog this... but because I'm tired, here's some
quick answers. Feel free to ask for more, and I'll elaborate or point
you code in CVS.
I'm copying cross-project-issues-dev@ in case anyone else can benefit
from this information.
1. Yes, you need signing approval. Someone on your team needs to be
able to connect from mylyn.eclipse.org -> build.eclipse.org (to
upload your jars there), and run /usr/bin/sign. Open a bug in Community
> Servers ("Please add user spingel to group signers for Ganymede
jar signing") or check the portal -- this capacity might be there. I'm
guessing you need to assign the bug to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx and cc:
bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx (in case he needs to approve this
2. My last post to cross-projects-issues-dev@ "Re: staging directory
for jar signs" answers a lot of the process (and provides sample code)
for actually doing the signing, and where on the server to do so. You
might also enjoy this document too: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Modeling_Project_Releng/Building/Signing_And_Packing
3. You can't sign on mylyn.eclipse.org, so yes, you need to push your
zip of jars to build.eclipse.org, get in the signing queue, wait 'till
your signing is done, retrieve your zip, and repackage it into
distribution-ready zips. Unless you only publish Mylyn as an update
site, in which case you're done once you pack the resulting jars &
create your site.xml & digest.zip.
Happy signing!
Nick Boldt :: Release Engineer, IBM Toronto Lab
Eclipse Modeling :: http://www.eclipse.org/modeling
"Steffen Pingel"
Hi Nick,
I saw in a mail to cross-projects that you know how to get jars signed
for Ganymede which we still haven't done that for Mylyn... I would like
to add this to our automated build process but I am a bit lost how to
I saw /usr/bin/sign on build.eclipse.org. Is it just a matter of requesting to get added to the
signers group and running the script over all jars before copying them
to the update site? Is is advisable to build on build.eclipse.org
or is it better to copy jars there (we currently use mylyn.eclipse.org
for building)?
It would be great if you could help me out or point me to documentation!
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