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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] staging directory for jar signs ... what should we use (sorry if this is a duplicate post)

The first is where should I put our jar to be signed? I think from
looking at Nick's sample ant files that it is
/home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/eclipse.  Do all eclipse plugin
projects put their jars in
If you look in /usr/bin/sign on, you'll see this:

VALIDLOCATION=$(echo "$DIR" | egrep -c "(\/opt\/public\/download-staging.priv\/|\/home\/data\/httpd\/download-staging.priv)")

So, yes, you need to run from a staging.priv dir. But rather than use eclipse/, we use the appropriate folder for our project.

       <property name="java15-home" value="/opt/sun-java2-5.0" />
<property name="stagingHome" value="/home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv" />
       <property name="projectPath" value="modeling/emf" />
<!-- user with write perms in staging dir & permission to run /usr/bin/sign -->
       <property name="buildServerUser" value="nickb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
       <property name="sign" value="true" />

We use ${stagingHome}/${projectPath}, which changes depending on who's signing (modeling/mdt, modeling/gmf, etc.)

<property name="stagingDirectory" value="${stagingHome}/${projectPath}" /> <property name="stagingDirectoryOutput" value="${stagingDirectory}/${buildId}-out" /> <property name="outputFile" value="${stagingDirectoryOutput}/${masterZip}" />


       <!--invoke sign script and wait-->
       <echo-timestamp />
       <echo message="invoke sign script and wait" />
       <exec dir="." executable="ssh" output="signing.txt" append="true">
<arg line="${buildServerUser} &quot;cd ${stagingDirectory}; /usr/bin/sign ${stagingDirectory}/${masterZip} ${mailStatus} ${stagingDirectoryOutput}&quot;" />
The second question is does the signing script make the
stagingDirectoryOutput or should I create one before signing?
The /usr/bin/sign script handles creation of the stagingDirectoryOutput dir.

       echo "WARNING: $3 is not a valid directory. Creating."
       mkdir -p $3

The stagingDirectory dir has to exist beforehand because that's where you scp the zip to begin the process.

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