You raise two points:
I guess this question comes down to
whether we expect the EPP packages to satisfy the vast majority of
Packages are like the table d'hoteat a restaurant, whereas the
update site is like ordering a la carte. Many users will be
with the packages, but other more discerning users want greater
to pick and choose among the available offerings.
I think ordering a la carte would be
very difficult without the common update site.
(1) I would say "ordering a la carte would be difficult without *some
common mechanism*" but it doesn't have to be an update site. For
example, in a previous email I mentioned Yoxos and Cloudsmith as nice
end-user a la carte tools. (I wonder if that email did not get out
because I haven't seen any comments about my suggestion.)
The common site also gives us a good
control point for staging and running tools such as site optimizers and
the EPP packaging scripts. For example we would like to run a script
the Ganymede site in 3.4 to inject p2 metadata into it, which optimizes
performance for users of the latest Eclipse platform release. Without a
common site, each project would have to run such tools independently.
it gives one site for our mirrors to replicate that covers all the
release projects.
(2) That's actually a good argument for having only one update site,
period: an "all of Eclipse" update site. Or a good argument for
providing those tools in an easy-to-use form for all projects. But it
doesn't seem to me to be a good argument for a Ganymede update site
because a Ganymede update site would only be a subset of all projects.
So we should either have only one update site (thus ensuring that the
tools are run) or good tools (thus ensuring that the tools are run).
- Bjorn
[end of message]