Hi Bjorn,
it looks like we're all on the same page now -
It was clear to me that we wouldn't ever deliberately let
Ganymede slip.
That's why I chose Fri Apr 11 as our drop dead date --
knowing that
we're not yet in any EPP package so it should be fine for
Let me also mention that I didn't want to accuse or talk
bad of anybody.
I just wanted to hightlight that slipping dates _can_
happen, for whatever
And, just to mention, we *do* depend on the CDT with our
integration, and that very fact along with having to adopt
P2 cost me
But basically, the CDT team did exactly what I did: given
theat they
could start integration testing late due to Platform delay,
they informed
the Cross-Project group about delaying their milestone. I
didn't object
since I thought we could handle it. Well, and now I've
informed the
group about a similar situation.
Again - I think it's good we're discussing this to ensure
that everyone
is on the same page. What I get from the discussion is that
are free to do what they like, as long as Ganymede itself
is not delayed.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical
Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project
Lead, DSDP PMC Member
(b) release M6 today and continue changing APIs in M7.
--> Consumers will expect frozen API and still have
to adopt to future API changes - not nice since
consumer's plans expect to be able and adopt
Ah, so you're saying that the dates *do* matter to your
consumers? Your previous email said that the dates don't matter which I read
as saying that the consumers would be happy to wait until M7. If the dates do
matter, then we need to think of some other solution.
(c) release M6 today and M6a shortly after.
--> Consumers will happily download and try M6,
just to learn few days later that they'll
need to "re-adopt" M6a. Not very nice.
Do your consumers download your DSDP-TM distro or do they
download the Ganymede distro? If the former, then I don't see the problem:
just tell the consumers to download your DSDP-TM M6 (what you're calling M6a)
on date X.
(d) release I20080407 today and M6 shortly after.
--> Consumers will wait (some) more days until
M6 is available in stable quality and with
good APIs.
As long as an M6 in (some) days doesn't cause the
Ganymede M6 to slip, I don't see any problem with this at all. So the key
question is "will you be able to release DSDP-TM M6 in time to prevent
Ganymede M6 from slipping", i.e., before April 10th? If you're going to delay
until April 11th, please coordinate with Markus about whether he is going to
have time to build the EPP packages.
But note that we asked known consumers of ours on the
Mailing list, and everybody agreed that (d) is what
They like.
Great. But your consumers are not the only
Ganymede consumers and therein lies the problem. Again, the DSDP-TM team is
welcome to have as many additional milestones as it needs to satisfy its
consumers: participation in the simultaneous release does not constrain a
project from doing the right thing by its adopters and users.