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Re: [cdt-dev] Docker build support now supports placing the files in WSL filesystem

Hi Morty,

That is great - I appreciate you making it explicit about the speed differences as I didn't know that.

Can you add to the N&N page[1] a short bit about this speed improvement?



Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Sat, 21 May 2022 at 05:23, Moritz Strübe <moritz.struebe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

those of you working with Docker & WSL will know, that building a
project using the WSL's filesystem is much, much faster than using the
Windows filesystem. With is should now
possible to save your project in \\WSL$\Ubuntu\home\[...] and use a
docker-image to build your code there. - It might be a good Idea to
place your Workspace on the Windows filesystem, though.

I'm using the word "should", because since I wrote the original patch, I
migrated to Linux. I did some testing in a VM, but not very extensive.
Thus if anyone is using CDT's docker build support on Windows, I'd love
to get some feedback.

This patch should also improve pulling includes from an image into the
host's file system and thus making the indexer very happy.
I personally build almost all of my projects using Cmake and getting all
necessary include paths and macro definitions using the
Built-In-Compiler-Settings and Compilation-Database-Parser providers.
This allows me keep the maintenance low, while happily configuring
everything using CMake or switching to the docker-image with the
necessary cross-compiler.  If there is interest, I'd be willing to write
a few words on how to set those up.


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