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Re: [cdt-dev] Failed compilation master branch

Hi Marco,

I just double checked from a blank start and I don't have any such errors. Maybe something hasn't updated cleanly. Please report back if you resolve the problem, or if you need more help.

PS. Its nice to hearĀ from you. It has been a while and I am glad that you are still in CDT land!


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Sat, 19 Mar 2022 at 07:57, marco <marco.stornelli@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I updated my environment after a lot of time. I'm using Eclipse 2022-03
with Java 11. I updated master branch, I set as active target
platform and I did api baseline refresh. Now few projects don't compile,

org.eclipse.cdt.cmake.core.tests -> bundle org.assertj cannot be found

org.eclipse.cdt.cmake.ui.tests -> bundle org.eclipse.swtbot.go cannot be

and so on. They are just few projects and all are related with tests. Is
it a common problem or am I just missing anything?

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