Greetings Planning Council.
You may be aware that the Eclipse Foundation participates in the Google Summer of Code Programme. With this programme, Google provides funding for students to work on open source projects.
To apply, students must provide a specific description of specific work that they will complete in either ~175 hours or ~350 hours.
It's generally incorrect to think of this as free labour. Rather it's more correct to think about this as a means of building a relationship with a student and their potential for ongoing (future) contribution. Having said that, we have gotten a lot of real and direct value from this programme.
Our participation requires investment. Specifically, we are required to provide a bunch of project ideas and mentors to assist, monitor, evaluate, and -- well-- mentor the students through the process.
There's more information in the
What we need right now are specific project ideas and potential mentors who are ready to step up and assist (accounting for vacations, having back up mentors is also valuable). Dropping a bug list doesn't help. What we need are actual descriptions of ideas of discrete activities that students can reasonably complete in the time available. We can copy descriptions from bugs, but we can't just say "go look at this bug list".
I'm thinking that we might have a few ideas. If you have ideas, please enter them on the
2022 "Ideas" page. Please forward this note to others to solicit their input. Note that mentors should either be committers on the Eclipse open source projects for which they are pitching ideas, or be highly commended by the project committers.
The deadline to have ideas submitted is February 20/2022 (this does include a bit of a buffer for the EMO to tidy up our application before submitting).
Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation