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Re: [cdt-dev] Moving on

Hey Marc-Andre,

Great to have worked with you.  You are definitely a Jack of all trades and it is a loss to CDT that you won't at least be
peeking in from time to time.


-- Jeff J.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 12:20 AM Marc-Andre Laperle <malaperle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I haven't been very active for a while and now is the time for me to move on to other things. I just wanted to let committers and contributors know in order to set expectations (reviews, threads, etc). I am not planing to interact with the project anymore after this week.

I also want to take the opportunity to encourage anyone who has been thinking about getting involved. CDT is a great project to contribute to. With solid development process, great people, interesting topics - there are many reasons to jump in. And as an occasional user when writing C++ code, I still think CDT is awesome.

Thanks a lot and take care!

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