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Re: [cdt-dev] Building CDT project with docker image
  • From: Moritz Strübe <moritz.struebe@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 16:24:37 +0100
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you are running into a classical Docker-Issue: No user-mapping for bind-mounts. For Windows this does not matter, because the folders are shared via some (pretty slow) abstraction layer and are mapped to the appropriate user. When you run your code using Linux, the user within the Docker is either root, which has user id 0, or some created user, which most likely has user id 1000. If you run your code using the root user, all created files belong to root and there are some scripts that don't run as root (mostly for safety reasons). If you run as user with the ID 1000 you won't have access to the files, as the Linux user who owns the files most likely has a different user-id.
VSCode solves this by changing the user-id of the default user after startup.

There are two quick solutions, besides adding support to Eclipse:

* Make sure the user with id 1000 has access to the files. Something you can do on your own system, but is not something you want to support for other people.
* Use root within the docker-image, pass the user-id of the linux-user into the container. Then, in the entrypoint, create a new user with that user-id and change to that user. I however did not research the best way to pass the user-id into the container.
* Similar to the latter, but detect the user-id based on the owner of the the current work-directory.


Am 10.02.2021 um 15:59 schrieb Alexis Bouffies:

Hi everyone,


I am running into issues when using the “Build from Docker image” option for the CDT project build. My use case is the following:


I have a custom RCP based on Eclipse CDT. This RCP had been ported to Windows, and we are trying to port it to Linux Ubuntu. To build C/C++ projects, we deliver a Docker image to the user, that is linked at project creation. The project is built through a “make” command. We also offer the possibility to build the project in the Docker image in command line mode. Here is what I have so far:


-          In Windows everything works, build in the Docker image from CDT or in Docker from the launched image in the command line

-          In Linux Ubuntu, the whole build works fine from the command line, but I witnessed the following issues when building from CDT:

o   I got some “permission denied” errors when calling the compiler installed on the Docker image. Although this has been solved setting the user to “root” when building the Docker image, it makes me wonder what the user is set to when running from CDT?

o   After setting the user to root in the built Docker image, another issue appears: we have a python tool installed in the Docker image, and when this tool is called by the make script from the Docker image inside CDT, nothing happens, it seems the tool cannot even be called.


I do not have extended experience with Linux so there is probably something I am missing there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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