Maybe I am looking at wrong place?
Before I checked out cdt_9_9 branch, the content of my source tree was like that
elaskavaia@elaskavaia-linux2:~/git/org.eclipse.cdt$ ls
build disable_intro_in_tests.ini launch native testsrunner windows
codan doc llvm pom.xml toolchains xlc
core dsf lrparser qt upc
cross dsf-gdb lsp releng util
debug jtag memory remote visualizer
(No launchbar)
No I checked out LAUNCHBAR_2_4_0
laskavaia@elaskavaia-linux2:~/git/org.eclipse.cdt$ ls
build codan debug dsf-gdb launch pom.xml repo testsrunner
bundles core dsf features llvm qt tests util
Its less stuff and no launchbar again
And now I checked out master to compare
elaskavaia@elaskavaia-linux2:~/git/org.eclipse.cdt$ ls
build doc lrparser releng visualizer
codan dsf lsp remote windows dsf-gdb memory testsrunner xlc
core jtag native toolchains
cross launch pom.xml tools.templates
debug launchbar qt upc
disable_intro_in_tests.ini llvm util
So launchbar is there.
So how I suppose to have baseline contains cdt_9_9 and matching launchbar in one source tree? Do I need another clone?