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Hello Sadik,
Every contribution is valuable! You can create a bugzilla ticket and
describe the problem there. The additional arguments you are trying
to add may be interesting for others.
10.01.2020 17:58, Jonah Graham пишет:
Hello Sadik,
Don't underestimate the value to others :-) Even if not
directly applicable, your ideas may inspire others.
If you export the feature (I would do it as a ZIP to make
it easier to share) then your zip should have these contents:
No P2 directory, the P2 info is in artifacts and
content.jar files.
Once you have the zip, in Eclipse do Help -> Install New
Software -> Press Add button -> Press Archive ->
Select the zip file -> Uncheck Group items by category
-> Select C/C++ Development Platform and complete the
After you close Eclipse you should be able to do command
line from my previous email.
Thanks for the explanation. I definitely intend to commit
back in the future, but not for this one. I don't feel to
be competent enough yet to contribute. In this case I
think my modifications are 0% interesting for others.
It seems that there is a lot I'm missing for this
Application stuff: When exporting the feature, no P2 repo
is generated (although the option is checked). My
expectation was that a directory p2 is created in location
I specified. I only get a feature directory with the
generated features in it. To be honest, I didn't
understand the installation step you described.
Of course you may know all the above already. If
so, you need to build your fork of CDT. The full
solution would be to setup your own build environment
and use maven - but that may seem overkill.
What does not work, AFAIK, is exporting just the
plug-in[0]. You need to export a feature and include a
P2 repo. You can use org.eclipse.cdt.platform-feature,
that is the smallest feature that includes
org.eclipse.cdt.core [1]. When you export the feature,
include a P2 repo:
I hope that this was helpful and you will consider
contributing back your improvements to GeneratePDOM.
[0] In theory this should work adding the jar to
the dropins directory. That seems hit and miss as
reported by others on this mailing list.
[1] You can try to write your own feature by
using org.eclipse.cdt.platform-feature as a starting
point and including only the minimum necessary,
probably org.eclipse.cdt.core as a plug-in and the
org.eclipse.cdt.native feature.
[2] You may have trouble installing this into an
Eclipse installation that already has CDT in it due to
version issues.
I'm struggling with the following problem. Maybe
someone can point me in
the right direction.
There is this Application "GeneratePDOM" (in
which can be used from the terminal. The following
command can be
executed from inside the eclipse directory (where the
"plugins" remains):
This works. I modified the application so that it
suffices my needs,
like adding a few options. Now I want to use this
modified Application
to be launched with the equinox launcher. What is the
easiest way to do
this? Do I need to create a standalone eclipse?
I tried to simply export the org.eclipse.cdt.core
plugin and replace the
jar file in plugins. My hope was that the equinox
launcher will launch
GeneratePDOM from this jar file, but that's not what's
Thank you in advance for any help!
Sadik Özoguz
Verified Systems International GmbH
Geschäftsführerin Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Zahlten
HR B 18341 Amtsgericht Bremen
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen, Germany
mail: soezoguz@xxxxxxxxxxx
tel: +49 421 572 04-286
fax: +49 421 572 04-22