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Re: [cdt-dev] Generating .cproject files
  • From: Clément Hurlin <clement.hurlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:51:47 +0200
  • Autocrypt: addr=clement.hurlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; keydata= mQENBE5g9TkBCAC6rGL88GPAgBbez3qC2JqD/lQKumfAk+U8tIbbDssc/PJvDHISP+TcxyTF r+yMrCQlI3iqJxWd6M5DQx/MigOE36ZoPzHvIsiDTrcw7koYkl5UoMNffmdQ1QfPSKEgatou tKZ73eCqptj8nXFyyhYT9phsmSVhcuzjMlMT/5iAYJlEyg8Ej/wB3kCj+yTkokljOtjY3+rm 2ooX+UcfG4nd1eWrd6KPF1BP5uPgQxfROTs7JmRCMABcwlQhftoFMiepro/oH1/0A/v91rKe vWUY9tRYypHpW573oL6X0U9FvwhSJ1m7qRYKwhDqSrHzNwCSe4lKYvRD4KM2CFb0+A/LABEB AAG0LkNsw6ltZW50IEh1cmxpbiA8Y2xlbWVudC5odXJsaW5AcHJvdmVucnVuLmNvbT6JATgE EwECACIFAk5g9TkCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJED+ctNSKreL1F8oH /iPCnvSLB4pr5XPfjQlkaRfOtkWxZJDMJeRdDTd3FvQMuFhBCUy/19mAPFh92h1dwnY9Kz6/ nIdD7NEBgZSbScVqvx2mEvnYeaFmtUKXuxMI85xqTtEYr+CFtQjEM+hjEp0dD68rSrei6mVS dXHKyecen/A4GCbq2EOeSLo/ba6LkLtVgen8XdsEUWQEsK9F0+sVE5R5M6YofsrzQ/ZJvj7W lAR/Iw5CzqhPet01l+x11uTAJvuzr80dHKLODbwvA7KRof8FJ/jV5Cqf0/P3Ne9IssjYzZEc YFxcTPwH+qBMZZUu4Q7UMeg/KGxoxl4PpSj5tQcndJ3hUOY6b7ryV0e5AQ0ETmD1OQEIAMiw CYnoyFOqyH+wJSENEyOrmSN//2+Bxc/p0BeSiKuU/hhhN+gOIxPFbqI+lM4pX08XVSOWCYU/ 8Zi02Jljmb7pw8CWAlAZ7kuyktHibQnS5p8c3qFmud5JSIRjCl9tHiuisHBUbln7VsV/5syd ReU3oKcKTY115FulteKwmd674EMhSzWTpkkwllXwm1gRhZL67GThKJLem7xboY1KIVLnBUd1 fLy3jyk9Pt9IXJBDHj1Ub3m52gts0SvbP2Hu/NR9V5ziSpC2d4IgzZc95qVsf8mIpqgiW0W1 rcKubYAsD0TdOBNA3vOmswAq5nA9OhZYHvEeaBd+2v6Rlbbk/hkAEQEAAYkBHwQYAQIACQUC TmD1OQIbDAAKCRA/nLTUiq3i9bcQB/9oCjAI+Nc6CK9YDW9GdnP1z6sgAcu9OTF80HY1Bg7Z RJHaz1GC2ob4DGCok3F+wOoZPdOtR5iHvaJ82KJsXbOc7y7SHNCyc3v5kPTYl7HUdb53y88h 3q7XTsfGX669xO2SMGNmFPStZ5rNUk8BQ3Ez07N6PdS7JiiMFFuBRoEguF8WcfUIV6VtVteG GAoy9TdU81DZoQtZdG6C9MLC7+Lg5KmimQ57IgNwrebo1TFI5s42UzjdMNFIldVyeCWouY3i V3ZTjk1IUSh1ADFO/RcbpSZfDUpN+rkYwku2QOIZoqAqy7NG52AYh/nI6iMTfk+VZ/JtZs1f RSBux0Dd9zcj
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Thanks Doug and Liviu. We're aiming for a full command line approach, as
this is the only way we will be able to reliably answer requests from
clients wanting customized instances of the environment with very short
delay. I'll report back on this list if I encounter problems/questions.


> On Tue, 2019-04-02 at 16:43 +0200, Christian Walther wrote:
>> Clément Hurlin <clement.hurlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:clement.hurlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>  At my company (where we ship a secure kernel and applications on top
>> of it), we would like to prepare packaged Eclipse installations for our
>> clients and for that we need to generate cdt projects. However, the
>> .cproject file (such as the one generated for a new "Makefile project
>> with existing code") is pretty complex and seems to contain unique
>> identifiers (numerical suffixes of Java packages).
>>  Is it possible to call the .project/.cproject generator used by the
>> UI, but from the command line ? If yes, it'd enable us to alter this
>> file (add sourceEntries, definedSymbols, etc.) with specifics for our
>> clients. I have experience developing Eclipse plugins but I'm new to the
>> CDT environment.
>> I have never done this, so I can't give you a full solution, but some ideas:
>> - Take a look at the headless builder for a command-line environment that deals with CDT projects. I imagine you should be able to create projects in that context as well.
>> - has some information on creating projects and their contents.
>> - There are many CDT unit tests that need to create (rudimentary) projects, you might find some useful code there, too.
>> I would advise against trying to generate .cproject files using any other mechanisms than CDT itself, for the reasons you have observed.
> You can also look at the implementations of the new project wizards.
> And if there are any APIs missing, please feel free to contribute them. The .cproject files are actually internal API and can change, or even be removed as we did with .cdtproject, at any moment. Using an Eclipse command line IApplication is the only really supported approach.
> Thanks!
> Doug.
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