Hi Doug,
Sorry for the very slow reply in this area.
How are you getting on with the builder work and in particular CMake?
I was wondering if and how Renesas can help you with this. We do have an interest in this area as you know.
With regards to assisting you – would it make sense to spin this into a small CDT working group for interested parties?
Perhaps then we could then decide what jobs are needed and the effort required to implement.
We may be able to commit some effort to this area.
What do you think? Perhaps this could be discussed in an upcoming CDT call?
Best regards,
Hey gang, with 9.2 only a few weeks away, I’m quickly realizing I won’t get both CMake and Qt plug-ins in shape for then. My priority is Qt so I’ll
focus on that and see if I can get it ready. Anything else new like will have to wait.
I really like how Core Build is turning out. There’s still a lot of questions to answer so refocusing on Oxygen just seems to be the right thing to
Let me know if you have thoughts, or would like to help accelerate the program.
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