here are the minutes of the CDT call held Tuesday. Thank you to all attendees.
- Need to better community support for Windows or it could damage CDT's reputation and products based on it
- CDT Summit planned for September in Ottawa. Sign up here: https://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/summitfall2016
- Before we can consider 'continuous releases' we need better automated testing. Community involvement needed.
- Would like the new Project wizard for Qt and Arduino to replace old project wizard
Full minutes for your perusal:
* 9.0 Release
- Doug testing that we can update using Check for update in our CPP package
- Currently does not seem to work, investigation is needed (which led to a fix from Doug after the meeting)
- Committers don't seem to give much attention to Windows
- Important to have CDT look good everywhere or else all products based on it get a bad reputation
- Tim uses Windows, Mac and Linux every day
* CDT Summit planning
- https://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/summitfall2016
- 11 attendees already (5 QNX, 5 Ericsson, 1 Mentor)
* Continue discussion on "Automatic and continuous maintenance releases"
- https://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/calls/Apr2016
- We can't do any continuous releases if we don't have better automated tests
- We need the community to step up and share the effort to provide such tests
* Effort for breakpoint improvements
- Planned for next week. Actions items still pending.
* Inactive committers: Doug will retire some old ones.
* New project wizard in CDT 9.0 for Qt and Arduino
- Who has tried it? Tim is working on integrating it in their product
- Doug would like to replace the existing project wizard with this new one across the board
- New one is simpler and helps user with the non-obvious concept of toolchains