This is a great discussion and I really want to hear everyone’s opinion so keep it coming. Ideally, it goes to the debug platform/launch UI and I’ve been asked to pursue that by members of the foundation. But that’s a longer term plan.
I think it’s going to be hard to find consensus on this. I think the size of the drop downs prevents 16x16 icons for the buttons from looking good. And these buttons are special since they are more likely to be used regularly. But I’m all for trying different
things as long as we keep in mind that the objective is to make Eclipse look good and simple for beginning users. Also keep in mind that the launch bar was released in Mars and users are using it.
The designers I worked with had a number extreme ideas and we pushed back on a number of them. But the main thing they taught me is to empathize with our poor users. As engineers, that’s not always an easy thing for us to do. But when you do it really
pays off. I still remember the story of when our product manager first showed it at a dev conference, one of the audience members came up to him after and gave him a hug thanking him. You know you’ve made the right decision when that happens.
I haven't followed the previous discussions about the Launch Bar closely, so quick question, is the plan for the future to try to include the Launch Bar in the Platform code? Because I also have several reservations about its design, at least in its current
I like the idea of having the currently selected launch configuration directly visible in the toolbar. And of having a button that directly opens up the settings dialog for the launch configuration. (and the dropdown button for selecting the launch configuration
is bigger than the Platform one, that's good too).
But, the Run/Debug dropdown is a waste of space. Better to have two buttons directly in the toolbar, one to Run, another to Debug. Not just for space, but it also saves two mouse-clicks when user wants to run in a different mode than the current one! (currently
with dropdown you need 3 clicks, with Run/Debug buttons, only one click) Is the point of the Run/Debug dropdown to also have other launch modes like External Tools? Even if so, I don't think that justifies the space it takes.
I also agree with the point about icon sizes. It looks really bad if they are different size from the other Platform icons. Maybe the UX experts are right that bigger size is better, but such design principles have to be applied consistently, to the entire
application. You cant have some design principles applied to just some part of the UI, and different principles applied to the rest of the UI, without having things look bad.