Except that it doesn’t create a circular dependency. Feel free to look at the code on master where the Qt plug-ins are now using the new build system. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out and how easy it is to switch between building and launching on
my local machine and my QNX board.
Yes you build shared libraries, but usually you intend to run them somewhere. The idea is to base what you build on where you intend to run them. I’m still working on the mechanism for that. But likely I’d check the project dependencies and look for the
most likely target you’re going to run the library on in the future. Or the user could pick the toolchain manually. We’ll see what provides the best workflow.
I appreciate your opinion. And you’re not alone. But you’re also in a pretty small minority. I’ve had a huge amount of praise for the Launch Bar and the simplification of workflows it provides. We can play with the look and feel. But I find Eclipse’s tool
bar buttons useless so don’t want to make the launch bar equally useless. And, if you have a pointer to the Eclipse UI guidelines that it’s violating that would be helpful. I’ve yet to find such a document written in the last decade at least. I can easily
make the claim that the current Eclipse UI is hurting us competitively with more "modern looking” IDEs.
But that’s independent of the launch target issue. My intention is to move the launch target classes to the debug.core plug-in. If there was a launch plug-in, I’d move it there since it’s not related to debug anyway, other than debug is a mode supported
by the launch system. These classes are actually below the launch bar proper in architecture today ready to be pushed down once I get it up to Platform standards. Again, feel free to take a look at the code.
You do have this in your cdt-e4.6.target file no?
<location includeAllPlatforms="false" includeConfigurePhase="false" includeMode="planner" includeSource="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.launchbar.feature.group" version="0.0.0"/>
<repository location="https://hudson.eclipse.org/cdt/job/launchbar-master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/repo/target/repository/"/>