Do they support Windows as a local client? I would think this would require an rsync package to be installed, complicating the setup. We looked at using an Java rsync client, but there weren’t any complete implementations available. The nice thing about our sync projects is they use jgit and egit, so there is no installation required on the client.Interesting. I'm guessing the PayPal plug-in takes care of everything for you too. And they are using it in two directions since they mentioned they also rsync back the files from the include path to enable local indexing. The writing I've seen is that you just need to rsync in each direction in 'newer' mode and you get bidirectional. Not clean though.
At any rate, an interesting discussion. The rsync thing hit home for me since I was recently using it when managing deployment of files to my personal web server. And we have rsync on our QNX/BlackBerry targets which we could use for syncing files to. It's an old solution but I think it has it's place.
Cross posting to the ptp-dev list so the developers can provide more information.
The beauty of the git solution is that you don’t need to know how it works, it just does everything for you.
There is an extension point that allows different sync providers to be used. We had a prototype rsync provider for a while, but it wasn’t being actively developed. If someone want’s to see if it can be resurrected, that would be fine. However, since rsync is only unidirectional, it is also more complicated to set up to get bi-directional syncing working.
Greg Ah, that makes sense. It's an interesting choice. Maybe that's why people miss it. It's not obvious how it works. Doesn't the index keep growing and growing each time you sync files? Why is it faster than rsync? I assume you guys have a wiki describing it. Could you share it with the list here? Thanks!
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