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Re: [cdt-dev] Remote enabling auto tools
Looks good. I will start looking at making the changes on the Autotools
side other than changing to the new CommandLauncher.
-- Jeff J.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Watson" <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "CDT General developers list." <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 5:59:57 PM
> Subject: [cdt-dev] Remote enabling auto tools
> Jeff,
> Here’s a summary of what I think needs to happen to make this work:
> 1. AutotoolsNewProjectNature#getBuildCommandsList() needs to check for a
> synchronized project builder (ID:
> org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.sync.cdt.core.SyncBuilder) in addition to the CDT
> managed project builder.
> 2. PTP to provide a drop-in replacement for CommandLauncher that uses the
> project to determine if the command should be launched locally or remotely.
> 3. Autotools needs to refresh the project after creating the build directory,
> but prior to starting the build, so that in the case of synchronized
> projects, the build directory is replicated on the target. This should
> possibly be done in AutotoolsNewMakeGenerator#regenerateMakefiles(). The
> following code should achieve this:
> IRemoteResource remRes =
> (IRemoteResource)getProjectI().getAdapter(IRemoteResource.class);
> if (remRes != null) {
> remRes.refresh(progressMonitor);
> }
> 4. AutotoolsNewMakeGenerator#getPathString() checks to see if the local
> machine is Windows. This needs to be modified to use something along the
> following lines:
> private String getOSName() {
> IRemoteResource remRes =
> (IRemoteResource)getProject().getAdapter(IRemoteResource.class);
> if (remRes != null) {
> URI uri = remRes.getActiveLocationURI();
> IRemoteServices remServices = RemoteServices.getRemoteServices(uri);
> if (remServices != null) {
> IRemoteConnection conn =
> remServices.getConnectionManager().getConnection(uri);
> if (conn != null) {
> return conn.getProperty(IRemoteConnection.OS_NAME_PROPERTY);
> }
> }
> }
> return Platform.getOS();
> }
> I don’t think the build environment will be an issue, but that’s something we
> can check later.
> Let me know if you think of anything else.
> Regards,
> Greg
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