Hi Alena,
Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunately this is a file with .asm as extension. And assembling the file is working fine.
What I want is to force to assemble this file every time a do a Make, even if the file itself was not changed.
As described in the original mail, the file contains mainly includes for other assembly source. Some of these sources are generated by other tools, outside Eclipse, so Eclipse is not aware that the content changed, so it won`t call the assembler. This is my problem.
>>> Alena Laskavaia <elaskavaia.cdt@xxxxxxxxx> 6-5-2013 2:32 >>>
I don't know how to force a tool to be called, but for assembly tool what extension file has?
We had a problem recently that if file has .s extension assembly tool is not called, it has to be .S
or you manually has to add extension
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