Has anybody got a clue how to setup/create/configure/force a tool in a custom toolchain not to decide if it has to run or not, but run every time a Build is called?
>>> "Tamas Csabina" <t.csabina@xxxxxxxxx> 25-4-2013 16:45 >>>
Hello Derek,
Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately this is not the case. No Build (assemble in this case) is being initiated if I edit a file outside Eclipse and refresh the project.
>>> Derek Morris <dmsubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 25-4-2013 15:38 >>> I think that if the files are being modified externally to Eclipse, you need to refresh the project to force the (internal) timestamps to be updated.
Dear List!
I have created a custom toolchain, which contains 3 tools (assembler, compiler and linker). The toolchain is working fine, however I want to modify the assembler tool a bit.
The project where the toolchain is used contains around 150 c sources, and around 20 asm sources. There is one single asm file that is being assembled by the assembler tool. (This file contains includes to the rest of the asm sources.)
The asm sources mostly modified by other tools, not within Eclipse, so every time I do a Build (aka Make, and not Build All), the Internal Builder (this is what the toolchain uses) doesn`t invoke the assembler, as it thinks there was no change in the asm source. This is true indeed, as the one and only asm source, which being assembled by the toolchain, haven`t changed.
I want to force to assemble this single asm file every time I do a Build. How could I tackle this?
I would be happy with the fact that the assembler tool will always recompile (reassemble) every source in case of Build.
I tried so far to implement a DependencyCalculator property of the inputType of the assembler toolchain, but I got nowhere. That looks a bit complicated to me, and I was not able to figure out where is the decision is being made about recompile or not a source file. Also I am not sure if this (the dependency calculator) is the proper place for the decision at all.
Alternatively I could implement a pre-build step (as a single batch file), which will take care of assembling my one and only asm file, but this solution is not that elegant.
I would appreciate any help regarding the force of recompilation, or any alternative solutions.
Tamas -- SERCOM Regeltechniek B.V. Heereweg 9 2161 AB Lisse Nederland +31 (0)252 416530 (voice) +31 (0)252 419481 (fax)
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