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[cdt-dev] 3 bugs/problems with the class GnuMakefileGenerator

I succeeded to make a toolchain that allows me to have a library and my project code in the same project. The difficulty in doing so is that the datamodel supported in plugin.xml is not supported by the default class GnuMakefileGenerator.

Technically I need to "split" the code to send part of it to the archiver and part of it to the linker. As the plugin.xml allows for multiple outputtypes for 1 tool and each output type has its own "buildVariable" I thought it would be possible to get this to work with the standard toolchain.

The solution I came up with is as follows:
Using 2 "primary output" "outputtypes" with different "build variable" (AR_OBJ and LINK_OBJ) values and different (complementary) "name providers". AR_OBJ is used as input for the archiver and LINK_OBJ is used as input by the linker. Using 2 complementary "name provider"s I filter the files that need to go to the linker or the archiver. I can do this easily because the files to archive are in a subfolder. Both of the outputtypes must be primary output (at least as far as I understood) So there are 3 key attributes. I found a bug in all 3 of them in GnuMakefileGenerator.

I copied the code of GnuMakefileGenerator to create my own MakefileGenerator to make it work and I found that only some minor changes are needed to get it to work. Moreover the changes look more like bug fixes than enhancments.

Problem 1 : When using more than 1 output type with the flag "Primary output" only the first one is found. All others are ignored. I consider this a bug as the data model allows to have multiple "primary output"s. If there can only be one it should be defined in the "tool" object and not in the "output type"

Problem 2: Buildvariable is always the buildvariable defined in the first "outputtype" taged with "primary output type true" and if none tagged the first output type is used. I consider this to be a bug as the data model allows to specify a build variable for each outputtype but the code ignores this.

Problem 3: Name provider can not return null. As such it is impossible to completely ignore a input file. All cases -except one- cater for null. The fact that the default generated code returns null does not prove the code should support null but ....

Fixing problem 1 and 2 may introduce downwards incompatibility. Fixing problem 3 will not introduce downwards incompatibility. I think it would be a good idea to fix this in the CDT code.

How I fixed it.
Problem 1:
on line 3113 it states :
boolean primaryOutput = (type == tool.getPrimaryOutputType());
Replacing with
boolean primaryOutput = type.getPrimaryOutput();
Fixes the bug.

Problem 3: (I do 3 first as the solution of 2 is easier to explain when 3 is done)
on line 3256/7 it states:
IPath[] outPaths = nameProvider.getOutputNames(tool, inPaths);
for (int j=0; j<outPaths.length; j++) {
This fails if nameProvider.getOutputNames(tool, inPaths); returns a null.
as outPaths is no longer used after the for loop the code below fixes the problem
IPath[] outPaths = nameProvider.getOutputNames(tool, inPaths);
if (outPaths!=null){
  for (int j=0; j<outPaths.length; j++) {

Problem 2: (this one needs changes at several locations)
The bug is at line 2168
IOutputType outType = tool.getPrimaryOutputType();
because later (2148) it states
buildVariable = outType.getBuildVariable();
This way the build variable is always the build variable of the PrimaryOutputType or the first outputtype if none is provided. To fix this I removed the line and changed outType to a field (I refactored/rename to usedOutType)
The code changed in Probem 3 knows the outputType so I changed that to
IPath[] outPaths = nameProvider.getOutputNames(tool, inPaths);
if (outPaths!=null){
  for (int j=0; j<outPaths.length; j++) {
To make sure the code doesn't use old "output type" values I changed line 2108 from addRuleForSource(relativePath, ruleBuffer, resource, sourceLocation, rcInfo, generatedSource, generatedDepFiles, generatedOutputs);
usedOutType = null;
addRuleForSource(relativePath, ruleBuffer, resource, sourceLocation, rcInfo, generatedSource, generatedDepFiles, generatedOutputs);

This is all that is needed to fix it.
My question now is: Do I need to bother to create defects? And if so do I create 1 for the 3 changes or 3 defects?

Best regards

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