Hi All,
We have implemented a tree viewer using TreeModelViewer (Virtual type in Lazy mode). I could see a strange behavior while running in Linux OS . If ever I try to expand the tree items using the API expandAll(), the tree starts blinking/flickering, if it fail to fetch the child nodes. But this behavior was not there in Windows.
I tried to debug the code, but it went deep into some infinite loop that always try to update the tree viewer. Please see below the relevant stack trace :
Thread [main] (Suspended)
OS._gtk_main_do_event(long) line: not available [native method]
OS.gtk_main_do_event(long) line: 8422
Display.eventProc(long, long) line: 1245
OS._gdk_window_process_updates(long, boolean) line: not available [native method]
OS.gdk_window_process_updates(long, boolean) line: 5511
Tree(Control).update(boolean, boolean) line: 4975
Tree(Control).update() line: 4966
TreeModelViewer(TreeViewer).setExpanded(Item, boolean) line: 335
TreeModelViewer(AbstractTreeViewer).internalExpandToLevel(Widget, int) line: 1757
TreeModelViewer(AbstractTreeViewer).expandToLevel(Object, int) line: 1060
TreeModelViewer(InternalTreeModelViewer).autoExpand(TreePath) line: 2063
HasChildrenUpdate.performUpdate() line: 53
ViewerUpdateMonitor$1.runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor) line: 99
UIJob$1.run() line: 95
Will it be any problem with our implementation ?
Please guide me on how I should proceed further.
Thanks in Advance,