On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 12:55 PM, sami wagiaalla
<swagiaal@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 05/27/2011 04:56 PM, Sergey Prigogin wrote:
> What numbers of unresolved includes and symbols are you getting?
> Sometimes indexing can be very fast when the project setup is completely
> wrong.
I enabled indexer statistics thanks to the hint from Achim's email
Here is what I get for Mozilla:
C/C++ Indexer: Project 'mozilla' (5775 sources, 6617 headers)
Options: indexer='PDOMFastIndexer', parseAllFiles=true,
unusedHeaders=useDefaultLanguage, skipReferences=false, skipImplicitReferences=false, skipTypeReferences=false, skipMacroReferences=false.
Database: 190164992 bytes
Timings: 186188 total, 72622 parser, 12358 resolution, 37182 index update.
Errors: 0 internal, 20665 include, 1125 scanner, 12344 syntax errors.
Names: 990333 declarations, 4924443 references, 718561(10.83%) unresolved.
Cache[45MB]: 247936670 hits, 130921(0.05%) misses.
Does that mean that I have 20665 unresolved includes and 718561 unresolved symbols ?
Yes, the message does mean that 20665 include statements were not resolved, which is a clear indication that the project setup was bad. The percentage of unresolved symbols (10.83) is also very high.