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Re: [cdt-dev] LLVM plugin for Eclipse CDT

On 12 February 2011 04:42, Marc-Andre Laperle <malaperle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I checked out the plug-in, I'm using CDT HEAD. I notice that it's not
> compiling without the patch in bug 321040. How about creating an enhancement
> bug for LLVM with bug 321040 as a 'depends on' ?

That's on my list, I'll take a look.

> I also noticed a 'Access
> restriction' error for MingwEnvironmentVariableSupplier. Looks like the
> mingw package needs to be exported in managedbuilder.gnu.ui. I thought all
> packages were always exported, looks like an oversight.
> Good luck becoming a committer!
> Marc-Andre
> On 11-02-06 2:35 AM, Petri Tuononen wrote:
>> I feel like I have a great proposition to make. I have been working on
>> LLVM plugin for Eclipse CDT for some time now. This allows compilation of
>> C/C ++ code with Clang or llvm-gcc front-ends using LLVM as a backend. LLVM
>> static compiler and JIT practically also implemented. Linux and Windows
>> platforms are targeted, but would work on Mac OS X too. This is the first
>> ever LLVM plugin targeted for Eclipse and development is in quite good shape
>> regardless of the man power. The plugin uses EPL open-source license and
>> would be highly appreciated if this project would get part of the 'official'
>> CDT sub-projects in order to ensure its further development.
>> The new LLVM toolchain would be just perfect addition to CDT don't you
>> think?
>> I would like to be part of the following teleconferences etc. what is
>> necessary and introduce it further. Also documentation is widely available
>> on request. I'm also willing to help to work with this project further and
>> would appreciate a committer status as I have been fixing multiple amounts
>> of CDT bugs lately. This committer status could be targeted only to LLVM-CDT
>> integration plug-in, because a proper web hosting for update site would be
>> appropriate.
>> Currently this is a plugin project hosted on Google code
>> SVN repository:
>> The plan would be to make this project as an integral part of CDT and for
>> that I need all the help the CDT community can provide.
>> I hope you all fellow developers take this as an option and think of the
>> amount of users it would affect and all the limitless options it may bring.
>> Let's make CDT even better!
>> Best Regards,
>> Petri Tuononen
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