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Re: [cdt-dev] Saving configuration specific options in own PropertyTab

I wonder if there is even a way to do it, no one has experience with that ?

Andrew Gvozdev wrote:
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:32 AM, <patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Shouldn't I need to use CDT classes to get the dependency to a
    build configuration for my settings?

If you find a way, please post. I'd be interested to see your solution. :-)



    I found class InstanceScope to be easy to use:

    IEclipsePreferences preferences = new
InstanceScope().getNode(CCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID); String data = "asdf"; preferences.put(YOUR_PREFERENCE_TAG, data); preferences.flush(); ...
    String data = preferences.get(YOUR_PREFERENCE_TAG, "default");

    This would save as workspace settings and you should use your own
    plugin instead of CCorePlugin. There are also classes ProjectScope
    and LocalProjectScope. I am always getting confused which one is
    which but one of them stores "team shared" preferences which go to
    .settings/ folder of your project (ProjectScope?) and another one
    your personal project preferences stored somewhere in belly of
    .metadata. This is related to checkbox "Enable project specific
    settings" you can see on some property pages.


    On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:38 AM, <patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx
    <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Own data, thats the problem... Chaning artifact extension or
        something like that would be more easy....

          	What are you saving, is it your own data or updated project


        On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:32 AM, <patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx
        <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

            I know to ovveride these functions, but the right code to
            fill that functions is not so easy to get :)
            Will take a look into...


            Hi Patrick,

            You would need to override performApply(), performOK(),
            performDefaults() and insert there your specific code. Not
            sure if it is a good example but I was looking recently
            at ErrorParsTab class in detail.


            On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:40 AM, <patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx
            <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

                Hello guys,
                I am extending the build properties by adding a new
                seperate tabpage.
                This tabpage class is extending AbstractCBuildPropertyTab.
                First of all I added a combo box with 2 entries.
                Now i want that user can save the current entry by
                hitting the Apply button for his current project
                configuration (also restoring default values and the
                usual settings behaviour).
                Is there any code snippet or something how to do it? I
                take a look in  the cdt sources, but its not very
                clear to me how to handle this properly.

                Maybe anybody has a hint for me,

                kind regards


                patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>
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-- Mit freundlichem Gruß
            Patrick Schmitt

            patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>

            cdt-dev mailing list
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-- Mit freundlichem Gruß
        Patrick Schmitt

        patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>

        cdt-dev mailing list
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-- Mit freundlichem Gruß
    Patrick Schmitt

    patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx <mailto:patrick.schmitt@xxxxxxx>

    cdt-dev mailing list
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