I recently
submitted a patch that lets other CDT debuggers with custom source
lookup participants to contribute these participants to
“C/C++/Debug/Common Source Lookup path” preference page.
flexibility of Eclipse and CDT allows debuggers to be based on CDT and
extend the stock CDT source lookup algorithms.
The only
missing piece was I couldn’t add these custom source lookup
participants through the CDT preference page.
The proposed
extension point solves that.
Does anyone
have comments on the patch - too risky, not complete, other ways to
achieve the same, etc.?
Here is the
thread with the initial discussion:
For us (TI)
is enough the patch to be in the main branch since we won’t release off
the CDT 6.0.1 branch.
But other
debuggers based on CDT 6.0.1 could find the extension point useful.
Dobrin submitted a patch
that adds a new extension point. Is it acceptable for a minor version -
6.0.1? The patch doesn't break the current API, neither it extends it.
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