Thanks to a lot of good contributions, I'm pleased to announce the availability of ObjectivEClipse 0.2, which allows Objective-C code to be written/compiled inside the Eclipse CDT environment.
This version depends on CDT 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5, which are part of Galileo. If you've already got a 3.5 install, you can use the update manager to find and install CDT, or you can download a pre-canned Eclipse CDT package with all the Mylyn goodness built in.
You can get ObjectivEClipse by adding the update site and then choosing the ObjectivEClipse plugin, or by downloading the site as an archive and then installing that. The update site is the suggested mechanism, because if that gets updated, you just need to do an update to get the next build.
So, what's new with ObjectivEClipse 0.2? Well, we've had many good contributions, not the least of which is a parser which is less brain-dead than the one I originally hacked together; so we can now parse interfaces, field definitions, methods (both interface and implementation) and, thanks to built-in CDT support for such things, use code folding and Mylyn. The net effect of all this is it's really starting to feel like an editor that isn't horrible at editing code, though it lacks a lot of the must-haves of IDEs these days still (the lack of indexing means that a lot of things like refactoring and cross-file hyperlinking are a little way off yet).
But it's possible to compile run-of-the-mill Hello World applications, as well as cross-compile to different architecture and different SDK and have the GCC errors hook up to the line in which the problem occurred, as well as using the built-in GDB debugger to step through code.
There are a couple of screenshots of what the Mylyn support looks like on the newly revamped Mylyn page. I've also spent some time investing in a FAQ, so please feel free to add your thoughts as comments to that page or the -dev mailing list.
If the links don't show up for you in this mail, then you can see this posting at my blog:
And the update site is the same as it was before, at
so you can use this to slurp in the new code by doing an Update from within Eclipse if you've added it previously, or you can add it now.