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Re: [cdt-dev] Migrating DSF-plugins to CDT 6.x

Jesper Eskilson wrote:
Pawel Piech wrote:
All the extension point IDs, etc. have been renamed as well so I believe you should still be able to use DD 1.1 with CDT 6.x without any conflicts.

Ok, so DD 1.1 (i.e. org.eclipse.dd.dsf) is compatible CDT 6.x. That wasn't really my question. What I was wondering was if there was away to use the "new" DSF (org.eclipse.cdt.dsf) in backwards compatible way.

Our scenario is like this. We are currently developing against the Galileo baseline (CDT 5.x and DD 1.0). I would like for us to move our development environment to the upcoming Galileo baselinewhile still maintaining compatibility with Ganymede. Is that possible? It doesn't seem possible to me, since all extension points and plugin ids have changed in a backwards incompatible manner.

I'm afraid you are correct. We had to rename all the APIs when moving to CDT, so you'll have to migrate them manually.

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