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Re: [cdt-dev] address to symbol UI

Hi Elena,

> Our customer asked us to create a tool that would do something like this in
> IDE:
> - they enter binary address like 0x8034bc0 and it show them file, line and
> symbol where this
> address belongs, then they can select this and IDE opens this source
> file/line.

I wired in the contributed WR disassembly view into our release. As
well as being used for debug, I created a fake debug element/target
the sole purpose of which was to show disassembly based off of some

I then added an action on Binarys right click > Show Disassembly in
the C/C++ perspective, and the view has the actions "Goto Address",
"Goto Symbol". Double clicking in the margin opens the relevant source
file.  It can also then receive other context events from other views
we have which contain address level metadata.

What's great about the above is that it's fairly cheap / easy to
implement and only requires knitting together existing functionality.



> I struggle to design this thing. Where does it belong? Is it debug specific
> tool or general stuff (UI to addr2line)?
> Where do I attach such thing? Anybody heard of anything like this? Or
> implemented?
> Or have any idea about UI design?
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