Thanks, Pawel. Wednesdays are hard for me as well. Fridays at
10 a.m. seem to be the best. I'd like to have the next one on Jan 9 (I'll be off
on the Jan 2). We can decide then whether to continue monthly or to move to
Let me know if this doesn't work for
Friday morning would work for me. An hour earlier on Wed, is
possible too but would be more difficult. -Pawel
Schaefer, Doug
I think the best we could do is to make it an hour
earlier. I'm not sure if 7 a.m. is any better than 8. Since we have
significant contributions from Europe, I'd prefer to keep the time prior to
6 p.m. their time.
As usual, I won't be
able to make the CDT call, due to its poor timing. I realize it's
impossible to find times that satisfy everyone in every time zone, but
8:00 PST is when parents tend to be getting their kids to school (at least
that's my excuse). Would a 1PM Eastern time be possible in the
future, or does that prevent European developers from participating?
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