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Re: [cdt-dev] Parser: Include handling

If the files are eventually included through a .c file, they should not be indexed stand-alone.  What version of CDT are you running?
Please raise a bug on the Indexer and we'll do our best to address it in an upcoming milestone.


cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 03/09/2005 01:20:33 PM:

> Hi folks,
> it most likely doesn't work yet, but will the parser/scanner/whatso'ever
> will be able to handle includes a different way than now.
> Here, we do only include files in .c-modules, not .h-files. Though,
> everytime, the parser stumbles over some unknown datatype, its marked
> yellow. Even though, when all includes are handled in the .c-module, the
> headers are marked over and over with yellow hints.
> Is there a way, to have the .h-files not parsed on its own, but only through
> .c-module-inclusion? If in one module in case of missing inclusions, a
> symbol is not defined, then one can mark the symbol as unkown.
> Though, assuming:
> global.h - typedefs like typedef unsigned char ubyte;
> a.h      - no includes here, e.g. declares ubyte a_func();
> b.h      - here neither, e.g. declares bit b_func(uword uw_b, bit n);
> a.c      - include global.h, a.h (maybe b.h), e.g. uses a_func(), b_func()
> b.c      - include global.h, b.h, e.g. uses b_func()
> c.c      - include global.h, whatabout extern ubyte a_func();?
> Regards,
> Henning
> --
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