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RE: [cdt-dev] cdt.ui.tests
I select cdt.ui.tests and then go to the Run Menu and say Run As -> Junit
plugin test. I am running on Windows XP w/JDK 1.3.1.
On my development view, A bunch of UI stuff comes up from time to time to
ask me about how different C++ UI stuff lays out and I for the most part
just click "Yes" for that stuff. :-) I get the same 18 failures/3 errors in
what I get out of CVS vs. what I have in my development snapshot, so I am
unsure as to when or how these tests got busted.
I get the following errors:
- BinaryTests::testGetCpu() - NPE @ line 256 of BinaryTests.java
- AllBuildTests::testExtensions() - NPE @ line 159 of
- AllBuildTests::testProject() - ArrayOutOfBoundsException @ line 179 of
I get the following failures:
- ElementDeltaTests::testElementDeltas()
- BinaryTests::testGetChildren()
- BinaryTests::testGetData()
- BinaryTests::testGetNeededSharedLibs()
- BinaryTests::testGetText()
- BinaryTests::testIsBinRead()
- ArchiveTests::testGetBinaries()
- TranslationUnitTests::testGetElementAtLine() (comes up as 2 failures)
- TranslationUnitTests::testGetInclude() (comes up as 2 failures)
- TranslationUnitTests::testGetIncludes() (comes up as 2 failures)
- HelloWorld::test1()
- PartitionTokenScannerTest::testTestCaseCRLF() (comes up as 2 failures)
- PartitionTokenScannerTest::testTestCase2CRLF() (comes up as 2 failures)
The tests that come up twice are likely due to the fact that they are also
contained in another TestCase's suite() method.
Please let me know if these tests require additional setup or a different
configuration. I am particularly interested as to whether or not I have
broken something in the CModel.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain Magloire [mailto:alain@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 12:14 PM
> To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] cdt.ui.tests
> >
> > When I run the whole UI Tests folder as a JUnit Plugin
> test, I get 18
> > failures and 3 errors out of 383 runs (not bad). I am
> interested in running
> > the whole suite as a regression test for every patch that I
> submit, and I am
> > wondering how new these failures are and whether or not the
> tests should be
> > cleaned up or if new defects should be issued.
> >
> > Can anybody provide some history on the matter?
> >
> Which one fails?
> Peter Graves, did the initial framework, but he is not here
> today to sched some light.
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