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Re: [cdt-dev] Some questions on the cdt

> Alain Magloire wrote:
> >>I've been testing and using the cdt and had some questions regarding the 
> >>content and functionality:
> >>
> >>- Is there some way to determine what the type of a project is after it 
> >>has been created? In project properties, the type is always just "project".
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >you probably mean "nature".  When you create a project a small file
> >containing the characteristics is created ".project"
> >Here is an example:
> >  
> >
> What I was referring to is information like whether a project is a C, 
> C++, java, or simple project.

Yes and it is call "nature", Eclipse does not provide a project "type"
but rather you can add natures to project:

For a java Project:

For a C Project:

For a C++ Project:

> Shouldn't the project type in "properties" reflect this?

If you are asking if there is a UI view that will show this nature, there is not.

The "properties" are contributions that you can filter on different project
natures, for example you will see "C Project Property" for project that
have a C Nature or "Java Build Path" property page for projects that have
a "javanature".  The other example is that the CDT is providing a contribution
of an an overlay to the cnature, this why you see a little "c" on top of
the projects.  see the org.eclipse.cdt.ui/plugin.xml for the gory details.

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