I'd have to agree with the backward compatibility rule.
I think there has to be a lot more evaluation on how the APIs will be used
before we can freeze them or else we won't be very happy in the long
I don't mind releasing more often in the early stages
especially if there is unfinished work that we were planning on delivering at
the end of October that needs finishing. There are some things we are
Rational would like to work on over the next few months (and I'll put out a
mail shortly explaining that) that certainly wouldn't be ready before
2003. So we'll have to get an understanding of when the appropriate time
for doing this is so that we don't mess up any of these releases.
Whatever we decide, we need to be clear about what is
delivering when. There are companies that are making business plans with
the CDT who need a certain level of predictability. As plans change, we
need to make sure we look down the pipe to understand the affects of these
Doug Schaefer
Senior Staff Software Engineer
Rational - the
software development company
Ottawa (Kanata), Ontario,
-----Original Message-----
From: Alain
Magloire [mailto:alain@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 9:31 AM
To: cdt-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; cdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cdt-dev] Re: [cdt-core-dev] CDT 1.0 release plan
> As a final note, people have
suggested that we do another interim release
> in a
couple of months to address bugs that will be reported, as well as
> add in the missing features to the debugger
(memory browsing and assembly).
> I like the idea,
and suggest we discuss the schedule after the 1.0 release
> is out.
Any comments? If everyone is in agreement, we will post this release plan
> the web site and newsgroup.
A couple:
- I would not call it 1.0,
but rather 0.8 or 0.9, 0.xx. Using a major version
implies we have to follow some backward compatibility etc .. And
such a young project with so little
exposure ... an impossible task.
- Certainly would like to make release as often(or more often)
2 other releases before 2003.
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