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Re: [bpmn2-modeler-dev] Target Platform improvements


Now I'm understanding Bob's warnings points in last email... :)

But I could create the p2 and target projects. It seems to be ok on indigo.

But I couldn't find a solution for juno, because I just figure out now that graphiti has some api changes in version 0.9 (that is the version for juno), as this:

 * The Class DiagramEditorFactory.
 * A factory for creating DiagramEditorInput objects.
 * @see {@link DiagramEditorInputFactory}
 * @see {@link DiagramEditorInput}
 * @since 0.9 results from renaming DiagramEditorFactory

I'm thinking here and initialy I don't know if would be possible to build against both graphiti's 0.8.1 and 0.9.0 using same git tree code in such case... would ?

what do you think guys ?



On 17/11/11 17:45, Bob Brodt wrote:
Hi Cristiano,

As you know, this project is still in its infancy and development is "fast and furious" and we welcome all contributions, but keep in mind:

* the BPMN2 metamodel project is still not where it needs to be, that's why I'm keeping a link to a temporary update site
* graphiti is a "moving target" and trying to build an editor on top of this platform is a challenge

Any help you can provide to improve this project is welcomed!


----- Original Message -----
Hi guys,

I got happy to see that bpmn2-modeler is part of eclipse now, and
to see lot of improvements since last time I worked with the editor
github. Congratulations to all team.

But I got some problems installing the plugin from the created update

After clone the source, I saw some outdated things within the tycho
build, mainly in the org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.updatesite.feature,
is not creating the properly. I got some difficult to create
target platform properly inside the IDE, too.

So I would like to propose some improvements:

- move the site project to a p2 repository project instead;
    Besides, using a P2 repo let us to create Composite Repositories,
we can facilitate the installation of the plugin and all dependencies
using only one p2 address.

- create a target platform description project (containing one target
file per eclipse version, helios/indigo/juno) to easy creation of the
dev environment at IDE; actually, this is better than work with
repositories at pom, because it will be cases where we need to build
with different dependencies components versions depending which IDE
version (for example: EMF, 2.7 at Indigo and 2.8 at Juno).

- add a juno profile at main pom;


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