Apologies for the lack of responsiveness. We are fully committed to the BIRT project being part of Luna. As you correctly surmise, there have been some staffing changes in our build team which we are working through.
Thanks for the note that we need to get BIRT into the aggregation build for RC1. This is definitely something we want to do – we will take you up on your offer of some phone help and I will reach out to you for that.
From: birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 4:57 PM
To: birt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx; birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [birt-pmc] Status and outlook for BIRT in Luna?
BIRT PMC and committers,
I'm writing on behalf of the Eclipse Foundation's Planning Council. As I understand it, some personnel/committers have changed recently ... and that's interfering with BIRT's ability to deliver a release for Luna. (Such as, you missed "M7", completely).
Several attempts have been made to communicate with the team, via cross-project list, and bugzilla, and these project lists, while there was one response that "it was nearly ready" that was nearly two weeks ago, and then not another word. And this, despite my offer to help in any way that was reasonable.
There are several other projects in the "Yearly Release Train" that rely on BIRT, as well as many adopters.
I'm writing this note to you, the PMC, and Lead committers as a last effort to improve communication and ask if there is any more I can do?
If BIRT is not able to deliver in time for Luna, (RC1 being next Wednesday) I think you owe it to the community to inform everyone of that as soon as possible, so they can make alternative plans. To use BIRT from "last release" is not feasible, since there is a conflict with an "ICU4J" bundle that changed versions in an incompatible way.
I think it is fair to say, that if BIRT is not in the aggregation build for RC1, then BIRT will not be in Luna. Or, to put it more exactly, if BIRT is not in aggregation build for RC1, and still wants to be in Luna, then you will need to go through the Planning Council Exception Process. And, of course, that does not mean you need to wait until next Wednesday ... the sooner the better!
I'm quite sincere in making myself available to answer questions or even have a phone call, if that would help get things back on track quickly. It would be unfortunate to lose BIRT from the release train, in many ways.
Let me know if I can help, or if you'd like me to set up a phone call.