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[birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, May 16th, 2005
Title: Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, May 16th, 2005
Apologies for the delay in sending this out. Here are the minutes from last Monday's BIRT PMC meeting.
Paul Clenahan
BIRT PMC, 10am Pacific, May 16th, 2005
Wenfeng Li - BIRT PMC Lead - Actuate Corporation (www.actuate.com)
Paul Clenahan - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (www.actuate.com)
Paul Rogers - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (www.actuate.com)
BIRT PMC Meetings
Going forward, the BIRT PMC will be meeting every Monday at 10am Pacific. Minutes will be distributed to the birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list and posted on the BIRT project pages at www.eclipse.org/birt.
BIRT & Bugzilla
The BIRT project is currently using a mix of Eclipse Bugzilla and an internal bug tracking system. At the Release Review, the PMC agreed to move to an open bug tracking system that is visible to the community as soon as possible.
The PMC discussed the details here and agreed to use the Eclipse Bugzilla system. The plan is to start using Eclipse Bugzilla for all defects and enhancements as soon as BIRT 1.0 is released.
In the meantime, the project team continues to monitor bugzilla for community reported defects and enhancements.
Eclipse Release Synchronization
The Eclipse Council meetings this week intend to discuss the pros and cons of synchronizing releases across Eclipse projects. The PMC had a discussion on impact/feasibility for BIRT:
For release schedule synchronization, the BIRT PMC would support a model where Eclipse projects ensured platform compatibility within 30-60 days from the platform release. However, it was noted that when there is simple downstream compatibility with the platform, this would be relatively easy. It gets much more complex when there are many inter-project compatibility dependencies.
For release number synchronization, the BIRT PMC is neutral on this one. If we did sync up numbers, our preference would be to do this after BIRT 2.0.
In both cases, the detailed discussions would be dependent on the conclusions and recommendations from the Council discussions.