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Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht: Betreff: FW: Summer School Critical Embedded Systems in Toulouse 2-11 July
Datum: 19. Juni 2013 12:04:11 MESZ
An: "Dominique Toupin" <dominique.toupin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Arberet Paul" <Paul.Arberet@xxxxxxx>, Gaël Blondelle <gael.blondelle@xxxxxxx>, "FARAIL, Patrick" <patrick.farail@xxxxxxxxxx>, "GAUFILLET, Pierre" <pierre.GAUFILLET@xxxxxxxxxx>, "BERNARD, Yves" <Yves.Bernard@xxxxxxxxxx>, <marie-line.valentin@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Ralph Mueller" <ralph.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Silvia Mazzini" <silvia.mazzini@xxxxxxxxx>, "Paolo Panaroni" <paolo.panaroni@xxxxxxxxx>, "Lei Pi" <lei.pi@xxxxxxxxx>, <polarsys-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Tullio Vardanega" <tullio.vardanega@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxx>, "GERARD Sebastien 166342" <Sebastien.GERARD@xxxxxx>, "LANGLOIS Benoit" <benoit.langlois@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Yves (Yingmin) YANG" <yves.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "PLAVIS, Xavier" <xavier.plavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "MORO, PIERRE" <pierre.moro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Marc Pantel" <marc.pantel@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "SCHNEKENBURGER Remi 211865" <Remi.SCHNEKENBURGER@xxxxxx>, "HAUGOMMARD Anne" <anne.haugommard@xxxxxxxx>, <tristan.faure@xxxxxxxx>, "Jose Manuel" <jmpuerta@xxxxxxxx>, "Claudio A. Muñoz" <camunoz@xxxxxxxx>, "Rodríguez Vázquez, Jorge Juan" <jjrodriguezv@xxxxxxxx>
Dear POLARSYS and TOPCASED colleagues Sorry if you already received this invitation for a new Summer School on Critical Embedded Systems in Toulouse, organised by the 3 Engineering Schools of the new Education Chair CESEC founded by EADS Foundation. This could be interesting for you or some colleagues in your organisations. Best regards Alain Rossignol Data Processing, On-board Software & Dependability Division - ACE7 - ASTRIUM Satellites SAS Tel (33) 5 62 19 68 06 - Fax (33) 5 62 19 57 78 Ce courriel (incluant ses eventuelles pieces jointes) peut contenir des informations confidentielles et/ou protegees ou dont la diffusion est restreinte. Si vous avez recu ce courriel par erreur, vous ne devez ni le copier, ni l'utiliser, ni en divulguer le contenu a quiconque. Merci d'en avertir immediatement l'expediteur et d'effacer ce courriel de votre systeme. Astrium decline toute responsabilite en cas de corruption par virus, d'alteration ou de falsification de ce courriel lors de sa transmission par voie electronique.
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Astrium SAS (393 341 516 RCS Nanterre) - Capital: 16.587.728 EUR - Siege social: 12 rue Pasteur, 92150 Suresnes, France |
Betreff: Summer School Critical Embedded Systems in Toulouse 2-11 July
Datum: 12. Juni 2013 15:25:10 MESZ
Dear all The final programme of the summer school organized by the industrial chaire CESEC "Critical Embedded Systems", funded by the EADS foundation, is now available. Registration is open for the next session 2-11 July 2013, at the ISAE school of engineering in Toulouse, France. Details at the following link:
This training is targeting a population of either engineers having some background in the domain of embedded systems, wishing to develop competences towards the profession of embedded systems architects, or students willing to open their education in that direction, by looking at multidisciplinary issues around industrial study cases, this year "autonomous UAVs".
Contacts summer school: jerome.Hugues@xxxxxxx Thanks Best regards Technical advisors, DAS Embedded Systems Aerospace Valley