The Modeling Platform is also looking at how to implement model
version management to address the history of changes. The
intention is to have the modeling platform integrated with a model
I hope this helps,
On 7/27/2010 10:17 AM, Dimitar.Peikov@xxxxxxx wrote:
Hello Andreas,
Model elements may change with
the time,
how to address history of changes (suspicious state for the
link) and other
attributes/properties of the traceability link?
Best regards,
Dimitar Peikov
Engineering Manager
Software Lead Expert / Driver Information
Electronics Division Europe
Automotive Experience
Tel.: +359 2 930 6412
Fax: +359 2 930 6462
Mobile: +359 888 122 609
e-mail: Dimitar.Peikov@xxxxxxx
Internet: www.johnsoncontrols.com
Johnson Controls Electronics Bulgaria EOOD
40 Tsarigradsko shose Blvd - EUROPARK building
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear all,
as an action from our meeting, here is the description of
as addressed by the Eclipse Modeling Platform Working Group.
Note that
this basically fits
to a solution that we are currently developing as part of a
research project
and will be releasing as open source:
5. Traceability to identify connection between model elements.
5.1 The MP must support the ability to create relationships
between models
and model
artifacts that are independent of the meta-model. Tools must be
able to
show these
relationships and provide a level a traceability between the
model elements.
5.2 Artifact authors should be able to specify the relationships
a high
level and then elaborate
in more detail and provide traceability a different levels of
the model
5.3 The MP must support the traceability between non-modelled
and various types of
models and elements/parts of models.
Use Case
For example, requirements might not be modelled but we still
need to be
able to trace from
them to various types of models and elements/parts of models.
An example can be to trace from a requirement to models/model
where the
requirement is designed and implemented and to models where it
is verified.
And vice versa from design,
Andreas Graf
BDM Automotive
Mobil: +49 (0) 151-10860479 (preferred)
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Fax.: +49 (0) 7231 / 1 54 71-29
Web: http://www.itemis.de
Mail: andreas.graf@xxxxxxxxx
Xing: http://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Graf
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/grafandreas
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