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Re: [aspectj-users] AspectJ versioning question
- From: "Mclachlan, Alan" <alan.mclachlan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 09:11:44 +0000
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- Thread-topic: [aspectj-users] AspectJ versioning question
Hi Alexander
Thanks for the feedback!
> It should be super easy to upgrade. Have you tried?
I have not, that's on the list.
I think I have what I need for now though.
Thanks again, I appreciate the engagement.
Alan McLachlan
ACI Worldwide
-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users <aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Alexander Kriegisch via aspectj-users
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 10:51 AM
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] AspectJ versioning question
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Here is the CVE I was talking about, just found it again. It was in 1.9.19:
Alexander Kriegisch
Alexander Kriegisch via aspectj-users schrieb am 01.05.2024 um 10:46:
> Yes, 1.8.14 was unusual. That was before UI was an AspectJ committer,
> though.
> Concerning the hypothetical CVE report, let us walk through that door
> if and when we stand in front of it. It always depends on the
> circumstances, but actually I see no reason why Java 8 users should
> not use e.g. 1.9.22. Installing an extra JDK on the build machine and
> pointing to that during compile-time weaving is not rocket science and
> in no way impedes you in using the compile results on Java 8. Besides,
> many bugs and even one CVE I personally remember were fixed in more
> recent versions, i.e. it might be beneficial even for legacy projects
> to recompile and use more recent AspectJ dependencies.
> It should be super easy to upgrade. Have you tried?
> Mclachlan, Alan via aspectj-users schrieb am 30.04.2024 um 15:02:
>> 1.8.14 must have been unusual then, because I did see it released
>> after the 1.9.xx branch was in progress.
>> For a team on 1.8.x facing a hypothetical CVE report, how hard is the
>> upgrade to 1.9.22 likely to be? Sounds like a Java build time version
>> upgrade may be needed.
>> From: Alexander Kriegisch
>>> Thanks for your inquiry.
>>> AspectJ generally does not release updates for older versions.
>>> Usually, more recent versions are backward compatible. E.g., you can
>>> use the current 1.9.22 to compile with 1.8 source/target or use LTW
>>> on Java 8. Only in your build environment when using AJC directly or
>>> aspectjtools.jar via Maven oder Gradle plugin, you would need Java
>>> 17, because the upstream Eclipse compiler requires it.
>>> Mclachlan, Alan via aspectj-users schrieb am 30.04.2024 um
>>> 13:13:
>>>> I read up on the supported Java versions situation on the github
>>>> issue tracker. I have some related questions around the v1.8.x
>>>> line:
>>>> 1. Is the project still releasing fixes on the 1.8.x line, at least
>>>> while Java 8 is still in support? I ask because I think the last
>>>> one was 1.8.14 in 2019. Say a CVE shows up, would you be likely to
>>>> release a 1.8.15 with a fix?
>>>> 2. Are the 1.8.x minor releases compatible, in the
>>>> semantic-versioning sense of the word? i.e would a hypothetical
>>>> 1.8.15 be a drop-in replacement? I ask because this project doesn't
>>>> explicitly follow semantic versioning, although I suspect it may
>>>> have back in the 1.8 days?
>>>> Apologies if these are answered elsewhere, if so I didn't manage to
>>>> find them on the website.
>>>> The context of my ask is OWASP A06 analysis of our SBOM, not to
>>>> motivate for any project action.
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