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Re: [aspectj-users] Passing instance of Aspect into a pointcut
> I think what I am looking for should be achievable
Well, then why did you not achieve it yet? 😉
An if() pointcut in annotation-style syntax needs to be a static method, see here:
You also cannot just add an aspect instance argument, just because you dream about doing so.
Alex Rojkov schrieb am 07.09.2022 18:31 (GMT +02:00):
Thanks for the answer Alexander,
I think what I am looking for should be achievable - at least judging from the code generated for the advice.
A reference to the instance of the Aspect is available in the call site of the isActive() method.
So that means to me that
1. isActive() can be an instance method ( I admit there are use-cases where it must be static )
2. when if() accepts an argument with a type of the Aspect type ( e.g. isActive(FooAspect aspect)) - instance of the Aspect can be resolved.
Hi Alex.
Your question is about Spring AOP rather than native AspectJ. Anyway, AFAIK you cannot inject a Spring bean into a static field, but of course you also cannot access an instance field from a static 'if()' method without some means to fetch a reference to the instance you wish to access. So if you think that an `if()` pointcut looks prettier than a condition at the beginning of an advice method, you are going to have to live with calling 'aspectOf()'.
Kind regards
Alex Rojkov schrieb am 06.09.2022 05:11 (GMT +02:00):
I have an Aspect that defines @Around advice.
class FooAspect {
@spring.Autowired Env env;
public Object advice(String name) {
return env.get(name);
I'd like this Aspect to execute when env is not null and delegate to JoinPoint when it is null.
public Object advice(String name, ProceedingJointPoint pjp) {
if (env != null) {
return env.get(name);
return pjp.proceed();
However, I'd like to avoid cluttering the advice and do something like this instead.
public static boolean isActive(FooAspect aspect) {
return aspect.env != null;
@Around(isActive() && some())
public Object advice(String name, ProceedingJointPoint pjp) {
return env.get(name);
Question: is there a way to pass the instance of the advice to the isActive() pointcut?
I'd like to avoid using Aspects.aspectOf() to get hold of the instance.
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