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Re: [aspectj-users] Met [org.aspectj.lang.NoAspectBoundException] while running a post-compile woven (bytecode woven) apache thrift library

Hi Alexander,

Thank you for your quick reply! Really appreciate your effort!

In terms of my original goal, I had to come up with some workaround.

The general idea is to just maintain a Map<java.lang.class, counter> by myself. There’s some synchronization and optimization to do.

I’ll post here in case it’s helpful for others.

To make it clear, this method works for “inserting an ID for objects of classes in any jar” except for rt.jar.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.lang.Runnable;

privileged aspect MyRunnablesCallables {

  public static Map<java.lang.Class, ThreadLocal<Long>> My_counters = new
      HashMap<java.lang.Class, ThreadLocal<Long>>();

  public static long getMyCounter(java.lang.Class clazz) {
    ThreadLocal<Long> local = My_counters.get(clazz);
    if (local == null) {  
         // need to initialize the ThreadLocal
         // This is the only place that needs synchronization.  
      synchronized (clazz) { // synchronize on the given clazz is enough
        // Double check to avoid multi threads entered the previous if statement
        if (local == null) {
          local = new ThreadLocal<Long>() {
            protected Long initialValue() {
              return (long) 0;
          My_counters.put(clazz, local);
    return (long) local.get();

  private static void setMyCounter(java.lang.Class clazz, long counter) {
    ThreadLocal<Long> local = My_counters.get(clazz);
    // This function is only called in incrementMyCounter() so it's not null.
    assert local != null;

  public static void incrementMyCounter(java.lang.Class clazz) {
    setMyCounter(clazz, getMyCounter(clazz)+1);

  public interface InstrumentedRunnableCallable {}

  private boolean InstrumentedRunnableCallable.My_id_assigned = false;

  // here we use (thread id + a thread local id) as this object's ID.  
  // For now we don't consider the case when Thread ID could be reused.  
  private long InstrumentedRunnableCallable.My_id = -1;
  private long InstrumentedRunnableCallable.My_creator_tid = -1;

  public long InstrumentedRunnableCallable.getMyId() {
    return My_id;
  public void InstrumentedRunnableCallable.setMyId(long id) {
    My_id = id;

  public long InstrumentedRunnableCallable.getCreatorTid() {
    return My_creator_tid;
  public void InstrumentedRunnableCallable.setCreatorTid(long id) {
    My_creator_tid = id;

  public boolean InstrumentedRunnableCallable.getMyIdAssigned() {
    return My_id_assigned;
  public void InstrumentedRunnableCallable.setMyIdAssigned(boolean assigned) {
    My_id_assigned = assigned;

  declare parents: (Runnable)+ implements InstrumentedRunnableCallable;
  declare parents: (Callable)+ implements InstrumentedRunnableCallable;

  after() returning(InstrumentedRunnableCallable r):
      (call( {
    if (r.getMyIdAssigned() == false) { // in case there're nested constructors




    System.out.println( "[Create Runnable/Callable] " +
        "TID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()
        + " creator tid " + r.getCreatorTid()
        + " id " + r.getMyId()
        + " class " + r.getClass().getName()

  before(InstrumentedRunnableCallable r):
      this(r) &&
      (execution(void || execution(* {
    System.out.println( "[Before Runnable run() / Callable call() ] " +
        "TID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()
        + " creator tid " + r.getCreatorTid()
        + " id " + r.getMyId()
        + " class " + r.getClass().getName()

  after(InstrumentedRunnableCallable r):
      this(r) &&
      (execution(void || execution(* {
    System.out.println( "[After Runnable run() / Callable call() ] " +
        "TID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()
        + " creator tid " + r.getCreatorTid()
        + " id " + r.getMyId()
        + " class " + r.getClass().getName()

On May 19, 2018 at 7:01:56 AM, Alexander Kriegisch (alexander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

Okay, I think I figured it out. It is not per se a problem with the 3rd party code, I can reproduce it with or without Thrift. The core problem is that the inner class you want to instrument in the library is non-public. To be exact, it is a private, non-static inner class. But what really matters is that it is anything but public/protected, static or not is not so important.

To Andy Clement: Maybe this is a shortcoming in AspectJ and we need a Bugzilla ticket for it, but first I am going to post some sample code here:


public class Application {
  private static class InnerStaticRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
      System.out.println("Running inner static runnable");

  private class InnerRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
      System.out.println("Running inner runnable");

  public void doSomething() {
    new InnerRunnable().run();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new SomeRunnable().run();
    new Application.InnerStaticRunnable().run();
    new Application().doSomething();

package de.scrum_master.aspect;

privileged aspect MyRunnables {
  public interface InstrumentedRunnable {}
  private long InstrumentedRunnable.myid = -1;
  public long InstrumentedRunnable.getMyid() { return myid; }
  public void InstrumentedRunnable.setMyid(long id) { myid = id; }

  declare parents : Runnable+ implements InstrumentedRunnable;

  after() returning(InstrumentedRunnable r) : call( {
    System.out.println("  Runnable: " + r);
    System.out.println("  Has aspect: " + PerRunnable.hasAspect(r.getClass()));
    long id = PerRunnable.aspectOf(r.getClass()).getCounter();

package de.scrum_master.aspect;

privileged aspect PerRunnable pertypewithin(java.lang.Runnable+) {
  public long counter = 0;
  public long getCounter() { return counter; }
  public void incrementCounter() { counter++; }

  after() : staticinitialization(*) {
    System.out.println("getWithinTypeName() = " + getWithinTypeName());

Now let's run the code after Ajc compilation and check the console log:

getWithinTypeName() =
  Has aspect: true
Running some runnable
getWithinTypeName() =$InnerStaticRunnable
  Has aspect: false
Exception in thread "main" org.aspectj.lang.NoAspectBoundException
    at de.scrum_master.aspect.PerRunnable.aspectOf(PerRunnable.aj:1)
    at de.scrum_master.aspect.MyRunnables.ajc$afterReturning$de_scrum_master_aspect_MyRunnables$1$8a935d86(MyRunnables.aj:15)

Please note "Has aspect: false" right before the exception. Now change the inner classes to public or protected and the code works:

getWithinTypeName() =
  Has aspect: true
Running some runnable
getWithinTypeName() =$InnerStaticRunnable
  Has aspect: true
Running inner static runnable
getWithinTypeName() =$InnerRunnable
  Has aspect: true
Running inner runnable

Any comments, Andy?


Alexander Kriegisch


Yongle Zhang schrieb am 18.05.2018 04:03:

More information

  • The part of the code that’s causing the exception - this is decompiled from the woven .class file:
public class TThreadPoolServer {
    public void serve() {

  . . .

  TThreadPoolServer.WorkerProcess var13;
  TThreadPoolServer.WorkerProcess var10000 = var13 = new   
  TThreadPoolServer.WorkerProcess(client, (<undefinedtype>)var10);

  // The exception says here afterReturning throws the exception

  . . .     


 // inner class
  private class WorkerProcess implements Runnable, InstrumentedRunnableCallable {
        public long myid; // inserted by aspectj
        . . .   


  • Question: how does pertypewithin() work? what’s its scope?

For example, pertypewithin(Runnable+) - does it work every class in the classpath, even including those in rt.jar? When does it create instance for every class that implements Runnable (after class loading, on demand, …)?

Thank you!


On May 17, 2018 at 4:36:23 PM, Yongle Zhang (ynglzh@xxxxxxxxx) wrote:



I have some aspects trying to insert an ID for every class that implements Runnable.

My aspects (provided below) works fine for a simple test in which 1) I wrote my own MyRunnable class implementing Runnable, 2) I have a simple main function that creates and runs a thread using MyRunnable.

However, when I use it to instrument apache thrift library, it gives me org.aspectj.lang.NoAspectBoundException exception.

I use compile-time weaving. The compile-time weaving finishes successfully, and the instrumented .class code shows the aspects was woven. However, running the instrumented apache thrift lib gives this excetpion:

(MyServer is my simple server implementation using thrift. TThreadPoolServer is the server class in apache thrift lib.)

    at EpredPerRunnable.aspectOf(EpredPerRunnable.aj:1)
    at EpredRunnablesCallables.ajc$afterReturning$EpredRunnablesCallables$1$8a935d86(EpredRunnablesCallables.aj:55)
    at org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer.serve(
    at MyServer.StartsimpleServer(
    at MyServer.main(

My Aspects

Here are the aspects I wrote:

1) I have a counter for each class implements Runnable using pertypewithin.

privileged aspect PerRunnable
  public long counter = 0;

  public long getCounter() {
    return counter;

  public void incrementCounter() {

2) I insert an id into each class that implements Runnable using interface.

privileged aspect MyRunnables {

  public interface InstrumentedRunnable {}

  private long InstrumentedRunnable.myid = -1;

  public long InstrumentedRunnable.getMyid() {
    return myid;
  public void InstrumentedRunnable.setMyid(long id) {
    myid = id;

  declare parents: (Runnable)+ implements InstrumentedRunnable;

  after() returning(InstrumentedRunnable r):
      call( {

      long id = PerRunnable.aspectOf(r.getClass()).getCounter();




3) Part of my scripts that only instruments thrift:


echo "Compiling Aspects ..."
$AJC -classpath $CLASSPATH:./lib/libthrift-0.11.0.jar -source 1.8 asp/*.aj

echo "Weaving aspect into thrift lib..."
$AJC -classpath $CLASSPATH:./lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar:./lib/httpcore-4.4.1.jar:./lib/slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar:./lib/httpclient-4.4.1.jar -source 1.8 -inpath ./lib/libthrift-0.11.0.jar -aspectpath ./asp/ -outjar ./my-libthrift-0.11.0.jar

4) Part of my scripts that starts the thrift server:


java -cp $CLASSPATH:./asp:./my-add-server.jar:./my-libthrift-0.11.0.jar:./lib/slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar MyServer

Need Help

  1. Has anyone met such problem before? Any guess? Note that these aspects works for my own Runnable but not for thrift lib. (I can send more code needed including my test classes and my scripts, but they don’t fit within an email…)
  2. Is there a way to get all aspect instances and what they are matched to at runtime?
  3. Does aspectj has this feature: given 1) a pointcut, 2) the signature of a target (class/method) I want the pointcut to match, tell me whether they matched, and if not why.

Thank you for your time and help!

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