luiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello you guys,
> Thanks for the help. The -showWeaveInfo flag was really important to
> understand how AspectJ works with the weblogic server in the LTW.
> I solve my two problems. The mistake was that in all changes I made to my
> aspects, I were not restarting my server, but this is necessary.
> I have a doubt about packing the aspects in a jar. Can I do that and simply
> put the jar in the classpath of my project? This will work ?
> Thanks to everyone that helped me,
> Luiz
> 2008/10/14 Andy Clement <
>> Hi Luiz,
>> Are you able to describe the actual NoSuchMethodError that you see?
>> The advice coming out multiple times is no doubt due to advising more
>> places than you think. If you cannot use the cross references view in
>> eclipse then try specifying the -showWeaveInfo flag in the weaver option
>> section of your aop.xml. Then on startup the load-time weaver will tell you
>> everywhere it is weaving - and you can check if it is what you expect.
>> Andy.
>> 2008/10/14 Luiz Antonio Soares Filho <
>>> Hello again.
>>> Unfortunately, i'm using BEA Workshop so I can't use crosscutting view.
>>> I will try to explain better my situation here.
>>> I'm using load time weaving but I don't understand how it really works.
>>> So I think the problem is bigger than a simple problem with thisJoinPoint or
>>> something like that.
>>> I make an aop.xml file to set some configurations.
>>> My application server console give me infos identifying my aspects.
>>> In the project i'm trying to use AOP, I have files like Page Flow files
>>> with .jpf in the extension. This may be a problem?
>>> On Oct 13, 2008, at 5:18 PM, Andrew Eisenberg wrote:
>>> > As for your second problem, it seems like Aspectj is weaving in more
>>> > places than you realize, making advice calls more often. If you are
>>> > using AJDT then you can count the number of join point shadows that
>>> > are advised (using the crosscutting view).
>>> That's one thing. The other is that you have a "call" join point.
>>> Which means the advice is executed every time the _running_ program
>>> _calls_ advised methods. So even if you have only 1 advised method, if
>>> it's called in a loop that executes 100 times, you will see 100
>>> messages.
>>> Jochen
>>> > On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Luiz Antonio Soares Filho
>>> > <
luiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> >> Hello,
>>> >>
>>> >> I'm trying to use AspectJ with JRockit and I have some problems.
>>> >>
>>> >> I'm can't use variables such as thisJoinPoint. That gives exception
>>> >> like
>>> >> 'NoSuchMethod'.
>>> >>
>>> >> There is my test code:
>>> >>
>>> >> public aspect Aspecto {
>>> >> public pointcut pc() : call(*
>>> >> JPFManterDocumentoController.
>>> acIr*(..));
>>> >>
>>> >> before(): pc() {
>>> >> System.out.println(thisJoinPointStaticPart.toString());
>>> >> }
>>> >> }
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Another problem is when printing a String in the code above, the
>>> >> String is
>>> >> printed many times in console, when it would bem printed only once.
>>> >> In the
>>> >> class JPFManterDocumentoController there are only 4 methods with
>>> >> "acIr"
>>> >> prefix. But the String is printed more than 10 times with no sense.
>>> >>
>>> >> Sorry for my english and thanks,
>>> >> Luiz
>>> >>
>>> >>
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