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Re: [aspectj-users] Re: AspectJ with JRockit - Problem with thisJoinPoint

Hi Luiz,

Are you able to describe the actual NoSuchMethodError that you see?

The advice coming out multiple times is no doubt due to advising more places than you think.  If you cannot use the cross references view in eclipse then try specifying the -showWeaveInfo flag in the weaver option section of your aop.xml.  Then on startup the load-time weaver will tell you everywhere it is weaving - and you can check if it is what you expect.


2008/10/14 Luiz Antonio Soares Filho <luiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello again.

Unfortunately, i'm using BEA Workshop so I can't use crosscutting view.
I will try to explain better my situation here.

I'm using load time weaving but I don't understand how it really works. So I think the problem is bigger than a simple problem with thisJoinPoint or something like that.
I make an aop.xml file to set some configurations.
My application server console give me infos identifying my aspects.

In the project i'm trying to use AOP, I have files like Page Flow files with .jpf in the extension. This may be a problem?

On Oct 13, 2008, at 5:18 PM, Andrew Eisenberg wrote:

> As for your second problem, it seems like Aspectj is weaving in more
> places than you realize, making advice calls more often.  If you are
> using AJDT then you can count the number of join point shadows that
> are advised (using the crosscutting view).

That's one thing. The other is that you have a "call" join point.
Which means the advice is executed every time the _running_ program
_calls_ advised methods. So even if you have only 1 advised method, if
it's called in a loop that executes 100 times, you will see 100


> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Luiz Antonio Soares Filho
> <luiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to use AspectJ with JRockit and I have some problems.
>> I'm can't use variables such as thisJoinPoint. That gives exception
>> like
>> 'NoSuchMethod'.
>> There is my test code:
>> public aspect Aspecto {
>>    public pointcut pc() : call(*
>> JPFManterDocumentoController.
>>    before(): pc() {
>>        System.out.println(thisJoinPointStaticPart.toString());
>>    }
>> }
>> Another problem is when printing a String in the code above, the
>> String is
>> printed many times in console, when it would bem printed only once.
>> In the
>> class JPFManterDocumentoController there are only 4 methods with
>> "acIr"
>> prefix. But the String is printed more than 10 times with no sense.
>> Sorry for my english and thanks,
>> Luiz
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