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Re: [aspectj-dev] 1.1.1rc1 preview status

> (another 1/2 day will get that working, but
> that's not scheduled for the rc)

... for 1.1.1?  AFAIK there's no other driver for 1.1.1rc1,
so if you want it in 1.1.1, I wouldn't object to a delay
of 1.1.1rc1.

> One unit test in the suite is failing
> (BuildModuleTests.testAllModulesCreation).  Wes, do you recognize the
> problem?

Not sure how I could recognize it without seeing output.
It passes for me.  By name, it sounds like it tries
to compile any module in your eclipse workspace, so
I guess you can break it by having an extra, non-compiling module.

My output is below.

Define "" as a system property to run tests to build module build
Define "" as a system property to run tests to build module asm
Define "" as a system property to run tests to build module runtime
Define "" as a system property to run tests to build module ajbrowser
Define "" as a system property to run tests to build module org.aspectj.ajdt.core
Define "" as a system property to run tests to build module testing-drivers
Define "" as a system property to run tests to build aspectjtools
no such library jar s:\ws\aspectj\build\..\aj-code\R:\apps\eclipse\plugins\org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.3\aspectjrt.jar from
not a src dir: s:\ws\aspectj\build\..\aspectj-examples\examples
cannot handle con yet:
cannot handle con yet:
cannot handle con yet:
cannot handle con yet:
cannot handle con yet:
cannot handle con yet:
not a src dir: s:\ws\aspectj\build\..\tomcat-conf\conf
not a src dir: s:\ws\aspectj\build\..\tomcat-conf\tomcat-launchWeb

Mik Kersten wrote:

All of the AspectJ P2s have been resolved.  The only thing left to do is
make inter-type declarations show up in the ASM.  I'll send out details on
the updated ASM API, but the short of it is has been simplified, is ready to
support incremental builds (another 1/2 day will get that working, but
that's not scheduled for the rc), and will evolve easily to support
eagerly-parsed containment hierarchies (e.g. JDT's).  (Note that I haven't
ported AJDT to the new APIs yet, so I haven't checked in an updated

One unit test in the suite is failing
(BuildModuleTests.testAllModulesCreation).  Wes, do you recognize the

We need to run the tests on Linux.  Erik?

We're almost there with automatic testing working on cruise control.
Some details on my last commits/fixes follow.


40534: Declare warning/error output - more detail required. - Added getDetails() to messages. This String corresponding to
thisJoinPointStatic part can be used by tools that need to display
additional info.
40257: parsing of "../" paths in LST files is broken

41129: swing progress monitor should be de-coupled from build - fixed, also integrated error handling

40990: outline view erroneously shows joinpoints inside aspects 41254: revise asm and create interfaces
Changed org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage.getISourceLocation to getSourceLocation
in order to match method naming conventions.


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