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[aspectj-announce] AOSD'06: Final call for student grants and extravaganza submissions + corrected advance program
A O S D ' 0 6
Fifth International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
A D V A N C E P R O G R A M (corrected)
(+ final calls for student events and student conference grants submissions)
Early Registration Ends Feb 17, 2006
We are pleased to present the advance program for AOSD'06.
Read below, or visit [aosd.net/conference/ ] to find out more on:
- Student Events and Student Conference Grants
(submissions due January 30th)
- Keynote Talks
[ aosd.net/2006/program/keynotes.php]
- Workshops, (+final position paper reminders)
- Tutorials (discounts for multiple tutorials!)
[ aosd.net/2006/tutorials/]
- Research Track
- Industry Track
[aosd.net/2006/industry/ ]
Please visit the website to find out more about:
- 17 Demonstrations [aosd.net/2006/demos/]
- Panel: Important Open Problems for Future Research in AOSD
[ aosd.net/2006/program/panel.php]
- Birds of a Feather Sessions [aosd.net/2006/program/bofs.php]
STUDENT EXTRAVAGANZA & GRANTS!!: Submissions Due January 30th
[aosd.net/2006/students/] [aosd.net/2006/students/grants.php ]
This year's Student Extravaganza includes two key events:
a Spring School and an all-attendee Poster Party.
Note that we encourage you to attend both, and welcome combined submissions.
Student Grants:
There will be some grants available to students to attend AOSD.06
who would not be able to otherwise due to financial reasons.
These grants are primarily targeting students from Eastern Europe.
To save further, check out the student volunteers program at:
and the student accomodations information at:
[aosd.net/2006/students/accommodation.php ]
* Carliss Baldwin (Harvard Business School):
The Power of Modularity:
The Financial Consequences of Computer and Code Architecture
* Richard P. Gabriel (Sun Labs):
Design Beyond Human Abilities
* Aspects in Teaching
* Aspects and Software Product Lines
* ACP4IS: Aspects, Components and Patterns for Infrastructure Software
* Best Practices in applying AO
* Aspect-Oriented Modeling
* Early Aspects: Traceability of Aspects in the Early Life Cycle
* LATE: Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution
* Dynamic Aspects Workshop (extended)
* Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages
* Open Aspect Languages
* SPLAT: SE Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies
(Discounts for registering for multiple tutorials!)
T1: Models and Aspects– Handling Cross-Cutting Concerns
in Model-Driven Software Development
T2: Programming with Views and Collaborations in ObjectTeams/Java
T3: Generative Software Development
T4: Aspect-Oriented Programming with C++ and AspectC++
T5: Enterprise Aspect-Oriented Programming
T6: abc : How to implement your own tools for AOP research
T7: Getting to grips with AspectJ5
RESEARCH TRACK (corrected):
(for author affiliations and scheduling please visit the website)
Session 1: Tools and Software Process
* Visualisation-Based Tool Support for the
Development of Aspect-Oriented Programs
J.-Hendrik Pfeiffer, John Gurd
* Presenting Crosscutting Structure with Active Models
Wesley Coelho, Gail Murphy
* Using Aspects to Support the Software Process: XP over Eclipse
Oren Mishali, Shmuel Katz, Technion
Session 2: Evaluation and Metrics
* Composing Design Patterns: A Scalability Study
of Aspect-Oriented Programming
Nélio Cacho, Cláudio Sant'Anna, Eduardo Figueiredo,
Alessandro Garcia, Thaís Batista, Carlos Lucena
* Optimization Aspects in Network Simulation
Jamal Siadat, Robert Walker, Cameron Kiddle,
* Reusable Implementations of Concurrency Patterns and
Mechanisms using Aspect-Oriented Programming
Carlos Cunha, João Sobral, Miguel Monteiro
Session 3: Concern Modelling and Design
* Towards Supporting On-Demand Virtual Remodularization
Using Program Graphs
David Shepherd, Lori Pollock, K Vijay-Shanker
* Expressing Different Conceptual Models of Join Point
Selections in Aspect-Oriented Design
Dominik Stein, Stefan Hanenberg, Rainer Unland
* Semantic-based Weaving of Scenarios
Jacques Klein, Loic Helouet, Jean-Marc Jezequel
Session 4: Aspect Reuse and Domain-Specific Approaches
* Relationship Aspects
David Pearce, James Noble
* Reflections on Aspects and Configurable Protocols
Matti Hiltunen, Francois Taiani, Richard Schlichting
* Doxpects: Aspects Supporting XML Transformation Interfaces
Eric Wohlstadter, Kris De Volder
Session 5: Language and Design Implementation
* AO Challenge - Implementing the ACID properties for
Transactional Objects
Jörg Kienzle, Samuel Gélineau
* Detecting and Resolving Ambiguities caused by
Inter-dependent Introductions
Wilke Havinga, Istvan Nagy, Lodewijk Bergmans, Mehmet Aksit
* Symmetric Composition of Musical Concerns
Patrick Hill, Simon Holland, Robin Laney
Session 6: Language Design and Implementation
* Adding Open Modules to AspectJ
Neil Ongkingco, Pavel Avgustinov, Julian Tibble,
Laurie Hendren, Oege de Moor, Ganesh Sittampalam
* Explicitly Distributed AOP using AWED
Luis Daniel Benavides Navarro, Mario Südholt,
Wim Vanderperren, Bruno De Fraine, Davy Suvée
* A join point for loops in AspectJ
Bruno Harbulot, John Gurd
Session 7: Testing
* State-Based Incremental Testing of Aspect-Oriented Programs
Dianxiang Xu, Weifeng Xu Xu
* A Framework and Tool Supports for Generating Test Inputs of
AspectJ Programs
Tao Xie, Jianjun Zhao
(for author affiliations and scheduling please visit the website)
* Improving the Performance of Database Applications with
Aspect-Oriented Programming
Uwe Hohenstein
* Using Aspects with Object-Oriented Frameworks
Michael Mortensen, Sudipto Ghosh
* The Challenges of Writing Reusable and Portable Aspects in AspectJ:
Lessons from Contrac4J
Dean Wampler
* Java Virtual Machine support for Aspect-Oriented Programming
Joakim Dahlstedt, Alexandre Vasseur, Jonas Bonér
* Implementation of AOP in non-academic projects
Allison Duck
* Gathering Feedback on User Behaviour using AspectJ
Ron Bodkin, Jason Furlong
* Lessons learned building tool support for AspectJ
Mik Kersten, Matt Chapman, Andy Clement, Adrian Colyer
* Use of AOP in J2EE application performance monitoring
Srinivas Narayanan, Kamal Govindraj, Binil Thomas, Prashant Nair
* Analysing AOP Adoption in Industry
Rob Harrop
For more information please visit [aosd.net/conference/]
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