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[aspectj-announce] AOSD'06: Call for Contributions - Reminder!


               A O S D 2 0 0 6
        International Conference on
    Aspect-Oriented Software Development


23.09.05 Abstract Submission: Research Papers (required),
                              Industry Papers (recommended)
30.09.05 Full Submission: Research Papers, Industry Papers
14.10.05 Workshops, Tutorials, Demos, Exhibits, Panels
23.01.06 Student Extravaganza

for complete submission information please visit

[we apologize for duplicate receipt of this message]


[Abstracts Due: Sept 23 | Full Submissions Due: Sept 30]

The AOSD 2006 conference invites high-quality papers reporting
research results and/or experience related to aspect-orientation.
Research papers should describe work that advances the current
state of the art. Experience papers should be of broad interest and
should describe insights gained from practical application of
Aspect-Oriented technology. The program committee will evaluate each
paper based on its relevance, significance, clarity and originality.
All accepted papers for this track will appear in the conference
proceedings to be published by ACM.

We encourage submissions from all fields of research in AOSD such
as early aspects, modeling and design, programming languages,
formal methods, testing and evolution, to name a few.
Specific topics of interest for the conference can be found
on the website. (


[Abstracts Optional: Sept 23 | Full Submissions Due: Sept 30]

Are you developing tools to support AOSD, or do you have experience
applying aspect-oriented techniques to a commercial project, product,
or open source solution? What problems did you tackle with AOSD,
and what were the results?

Industry papers should present contributions to the industrial practice
of AOSD.  They provide an opportunity for the industry leaders who
are applying AOSD to share their experiences with each other, and the
rest of the community.  With an aim of bringing together the leading
industry players and the leading researchers, industry papers will
form an important part of the conference.


[Submissions Due: October 14]

The AOSD.06 Organizing Committee invites proposals for half-day
and full-day tutorials to be held in conjunction with the AOSD.06
conference. The organizers seek to offer a high-quality tutorial
program covering the state of the art in AOSD, with topics of
interest for both beginning and advanced participants.


[Submissions Due: October 14]

The AOSD.06 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day
workshops to be held in conjunction with the AOSD.06 conference.
A workshop is a collaborative forum where participants (typically
15 to 30) meet to exchange opinions, present ideas, and discuss
preliminary results on a focused topic.


[Submissions Due: October 14]

Demonstrations are intended to share technical aspects of research-
oriented tools and systems. For AOSD conference attendees they are
an opportunity to learn about emerging technologies and to interact
with the developers of those technologies.


[Submissions Due: October 14]

Exhibitions present mature products or services and are intended
to target potential customers from industry. The main criterion of
selection for exhibition is relevance for practitioners.


[Submissions Due: October 14]

The AOSD.06 Organizing Committee invites submission of proposals
for panels to address new, exciting, and controversial issues. Panels
should be provocative, informative, and entertaining.


[Submissions Due: January 23, 2006]

At this year's student extravaganza, we accompany you for a little
while on the journey that is to be your thesis. Questions, worries and
pitfalls are addressed by means of moderated group discussions,
short presentations, and an informal poster session.


For more information, please visit

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