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Re: [asciidoc-wg] AsciiDoc implementation for the Java/JVM ecosystem / project proposal

Hello Alexander,

The requirement would be to have AsciiDoc JVM artifacts
* OSGi compatible for runtime
* p2 compatible for compile-time and install-time
that includes explicit specification for Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment and for all dependencies.


11.06.2020 22:11, Alexander Schwartz пишет:
Hello Alexander,

welcome! I've read the project proposal for Eclipse Passage and looked
at its homepage, but I am not sure if

What would be the requirements of Passage for the AsciiDoc JVM? Maybe
that the library would be OSGi compatible? If you need this requirements
(and maybe others) it would be good to know them in advance. They should
be part of the project proposal.

Best regards,

On 11.06.2020 14:41, Alexander Fedorov wrote:
Hello Alexander,

I would love to use AsciiDoc as a document generation technology for
Eclipse Passage project. Please add both myself and Eclipse Passage
project to the list of interested parties.

You are right, different platforms will expect different grammar
engines. I suggest to support the language server protocol (LSP) -
this will enable rich editor functionality for several platforms at once.


Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@xxxxxxx)

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