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Re: [adoptium-pmc] Creating the Adoptium Incubator project

I'll leave this open for discussion for another 24hrs, and unless there is an objection, or somebody asks for an extension to consider it, I'll start a formal vote to (i) create the project, and (ii) set it up with a repository for the proposed work mentioned below.


On 08/03/2021 10:06, Tim Ellison wrote:
In the Adoptium Working Group meeting last week [1], the group agreed to support the Adoptium TLP PMC in creating a dedicated project as a place to try out new runtime, build, test, and infrastructure ideas.  This fulfils an aspect of the TLP charter's scope to support such activities [2].

The working title for the new project is "Eclipse Adoptium Incubator".

The driver for creating the project now is that Alibaba and others would like a shared location to collaborate on ideas currently being discussed.  Using the established governance model of Eclipse Adoptium for such collaboration ensures the work is open and vendor-neutral.

The intent of the proposed Eclipse Adoptium Incubator is to foster collaboration, and hopefully results in work proceeding to contribution by their original authors into upstream projects, including OpenJDK, or moving the work into a new Eclipse Adoptium project.  The Adoptium Incubator would not make any releases itself.

The Eclipse Foundation Development Process has explicit provision for such permanent incubator projects [3].  Thanks to Wayne Beaton for pointing us to this method for structuring the Adoptium project.

Creating such an incubator project does not require a formal project proposal as was done for Temurin etc., rather the PMC can simply request one and the to the Eclipse Management Office will create it.

At this point I'm just opening it up to the PMC to discuss the idea, decide how the incubator will be defined, and pick a suitable name. When we are happy we'll put in the request.

[1] The minutes needs to be approved before publishing publicly.


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