Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web Developers
Package Description
The essential tools for any JavaScript developer, including JavaScript language support, Git client, Mylyn and editors for JavaScript, HTML, CSS and XML.
This package includes:
- Eclipse Git Team Provider
- JavaScript Development Tools
- Mylyn Task List
- Remote System Explorer
- Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
- JavaScript Development Tools
Detailed features list
- org.eclipse.epp.package.javascript.feature
- org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
- org.eclipse.platform
- org.eclipse.egit
- org.eclipse.egit.mylyn
- org.eclipse.egit.gitflow.feature
- org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
- org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui
- org.eclipse.mylyn_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.github.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.web_ui.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.json_ui.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.chromium.debug.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.server_ui.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.server_adapters.feature
- org.eclipse.thym.feature
- org.eclipse.rse
Maintained by: Eclipse Packaging Project
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Downloaded 29,753 Times
Open Bugs: 8
Bug ID | Title | Status |
Resolved Bugs: 22
Bug ID | Title | Status |
528755 | not show Task icon with //TODO comment in javascript source | RESOLVED |
528892 | No Content Assist (JS) and no outline | RESOLVED |
512010 | Add angularJS tools | RESOLVED |
502203 | JS package should mention Cordova/hybrid mobile development | RESOLVED |
490351 | [Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for JS package | RESOLVED |
492029 | Add optional chromium Debugger feature to Javascript EPP for Neon | RESOLVED |
534999 | [Tips] [Photon] [Webtools] Include Tip of the Day feature | RESOLVED |
544355 | Replace Webtools editors by Wild Web Developer | RESOLVED |
565997 | Platform-specific node embedder fragments are not in the packages | RESOLVED |
571132 | Remove JavaScript package | RESOLVED |
563917 | Remove welcome page from JS and Rust package | RESOLVED |
553362 | Please enable the option to download new updates automatically | RESOLVED |
547329 | Remove use of 3rdparty plugin requirements in EPP feature.xml | RESOLVED |
549890 | Feature description lists CSS twice | RESOLVED |
289785 | Propose a "Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers" package for Helios | RESOLVED |
488781 | Revive "JavaScript and Web developers" package | RESOLVED |
324433 | No welcome screen for JavaScript IDE | RESOLVED |
317679 | Rename to "JavaScript and Web Developers" | RESOLVED |
305098 | provide icon(s) for JavaScript package | RESOLVED |
317268 | handler conflict in javascript perspective | RESOLVED |
317260 | product bundle has 1.6 BREE | RESOLVED |
329414 | Unable to see/use ANT view in Eclipse Javascript download | RESOLVED |
355602 | Let's cancel the JavaScript IDE package? | RESOLVED |
349057 | JS Web ide max heap larger than it needs to be | RESOLVED |
295255 | javascript developer package contains unnecessary web service bundles | RESOLVED |
301952 | JavaScript Package needs a default perspective specified | RESOLVED |
310282 | Unnecessary JDT plugins in the package | CLOSED |
564525 | Not getting an option to create javaScript Project in this package | CLOSED |
313518 | Add MPC to the Javascript package | CLOSED |
317354 | Package does not open to Welcome screen on new workspace | CLOSED |
347346 | JavaScript IDE has Mylyn as a pre-enabled software site | CLOSED |
490753 | Include debugger feature | CLOSED |
511361 | Remove THyM from JS package | CLOSED |
471605 | its | CLOSED |
316051 | description of the Javascript package | CLOSED |
549570 | Eclipse IDE for Web and JavaScript 4.12 2019-06 missing all the key JavaScript dev related features | CLOSED |
File a Bug on this Package